2025 Kutztown Fair Premium Book


August 4th - 9th 2025


June 30th

All Livestock Entries
Grange Exhibits - Department 20
Antique Tractors - Department 24

Pre-Registrion for Building Exhibits - July 20th

Email completed forms to:
Or mail hardcopy forms to:
Kutztown Fair Entries
P.O. Box 6
Kutztown, PA 19530


Drop Off Dates / Times
Saturday, August 2nd :  11:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m.
Sunday, August 3rd : 12:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m.

Pick Up Dates / Times
Sunday, August 10th : 10:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.

If you have any questions, call 610-683-7696

Want to Become a Sponsor?

Contact us now to learn the next steps!


Our entry forms are fillable! What does that mean? Download the form you need and fill it out right in the document, then send it to entries@kutztownfair.com

Some mobile devices may have trouble using this feature! If you are having trouble and can't fill out the text areas on a mobile device, try downloading the Adobe Reader app and try again. Still having trouble? You can always print the form out and mail it to us!

Kutztown Fair
Coloring Contest 2025

Age Groups:

1. 0 – 6 years
2.  7 – 8 years
3.  9-12 years
4. 65 years and older

Entries may be dropped off at Beltzner Hall on the Building Exhibit drop off dates:
August 2nd between 11am-1pm   or   August 3rd between 12pm-5pm

or mailed to:
Kutztown Entries – Color Contest
P.O. Box 6,
Kutztown, PA 19530 
if mailed it must be received by July 27th.

See Department 22 - Color Contest
for all contest details of the premium book below!

            Download now & get coloring!

               2025 color page coming soon!!!


The official Online Kutztown Fair Premium Book. 

If you have any questions, contact the fair by phone, email or our website.

Last Updated: 01/10/2025


Click on each tab title below to view the section you would like to read.



Livestock & Antique Tractor Entries Due June 30, 2025 | All other entries Due July 20, 2025


11:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. … Building Exhibit drop-off
7:00 p.m. – 11:00 p.m. – Animals (excluding swine) may arrive.


7:00 – 9:00 a.m. … Swine check-in and weighed. No swine shall arrive prior to Sunday at 7 am.
No swine will be checked in after 9 am on Sunday.
9:00 – 11:30 a.m. – Weigh-in for Goats, Sheep, Dairy beef and Beef as weigh masters are ready
9:00 – 11:00 a.m.- Check-In for Sheep, Goats, Dairy Beef, Beef
9:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. – Frey’s Livestock Supply
12:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m.- Building Exhibit Drop-off
12:00 p.m.- Dairy Cattle Arrival Deadline/Check-in
12:30 p.m. – Livestock Exhibitor’s meeting
* Note: see special weigh-in rule in the General Rules & Regulations tab.


9:00 a.m. … Dairy Clip Off
9:00 a.m. … Beltzner Hall Entries Judging begins
9:00 a.m. – 11:00 a.m. … Special Baking Contest Drop off

11:00 a.m. … Special Baking Contest Judging
1:00 p.m. … Landscaping and Grange Exhibit Judging
6:30 p.m. … Scholarship Baked Goods Auction
7:00 p.m. … Dairy Showmanship
Followed by … Icy Tea Chugging Contest


9:00 a.m. … Dairy Show, Ayrshire, Brown Swiss, Guernsey, Holstein Heifers, Preemie Show, Holstein Cows, Jersey, Lineback, Milking Shorthorn, Red & White
Followed by … Supreme Dairy Heifer
……… Supreme 4-H Cow
……… Supreme Open Cow
(MILKING dairy cows released at the conclusion of the Supreme Champion Open Cow Show – Breed Champions and Supreme Champions must remain on the grounds until all animals released on Saturday, 9 pm.)
9:00 a.m. … Carcass Evaluation
7:00 p.m. … Family Night
Followed by … Giant Sundae


9:00 a.m.. … Goat Fitting and Showmanship
Followed by … Meat Breeding Goats
……… Market Goat Show
1:30 p.m. (approximate). … Sheep Fitting and Showmanship

Followed by … Breeding Sheep
……… Market Lambs
……… Sheep Blocking & Grooming
……… Wool Judging
7:00 p.m. Dairy Judging
Followed by Animal Mardi gras


9:00 a.m. … Dairy Beef Fitting & Showmanship
Followed by … Dairy Beef type show
……… Beef Fit-Out, Beef Showmanship
……… Market Beef
……… Breeding Beef
7:00 p.m. … Pedal Tractor Pull
8:30 p.m. … Bale Pitch


9:00 a.m. … Swine Show
Followed by … Market Swine
Followed by … Livestock Judging (approx. 1:30pm)
6:00 p.m. … Overall Showmanship Contest
9:00 p.m. … Line Dancing


10:00 a.m. … Youth Livestock Sale
7:00 p.m. … Scholarship Benefit Auction
9:00 p.m. … All Livestock Released


10:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. … Exhibit Building Pick Up



Dairy Clip Off: ANC Consulting/Sunnyside Farm

Showmanship Show sponsor:
Meyers Trucking LLC

Dairy Show Sponsor:
Berks County Holstein Assoc.

Jr Champ Ayrshire: ABS Global, Mike Charles

Champ Ayrshie: TIMAC USA, Inc.

Jr Champ Brown Swiss:
ABS Global, Mike Charles

Champ B.S.: John & Dorothy Waters

Jr. Champ Guernsey: JT Hoof Care

Champ Guernsey: Berks County Grange

Jr. Champ Holstein: Kirbyville Holsteins

Champion Holstein: Vista Grande LLC

Jr. Champ Jersey: JT Hoof Care

Champ Jersey: Way-Har Farms

Jr. Champ Lineback: Wicks AI Service

Champ Lineback: Berks County Grange

Jr Champ Milking Shorthorn: Wicks AI Service

Champ MS: Pinesedge Farm

Jr. Champ R/W: Kirbyville Holsteins

Champ R/W: John & Dorothy Waters

Champ Showman: Vista Grande LLC

Supreme Heifer: Morrissey Insurance Agency

Open Supreme Cow: Dairy One, DHIA

Youth Supreme Cow: Sattazahn Award

Premier Holstein Exhibitor Premier Holstein
Breeder: Berks County Holstein Assoc.


Goat Show Sponsor: Wexcon Inc.

Banner Champ Meat Goat: Jen Hartman

Banner Breeding Meat Doe of Show:
Brian Folk Auctioneer

Best Breeding Meat Buck of Show:
Berks County Grange

Best Doe of Show: Berks County Grange

Champ Showman:
Leroy “Smoke” Younker Memorial



Show Sponsor: Longswamp Traveling Hog

Champ Market Swine: Berks County Grange

Banner Best Market Swine:
Younkers Pride Farm

Champ Swine Fitter: George & Sandi Stump

Champ Swine Showman: ACEC Farm


Show Sponsor: Steven A. Schucker, CPA LLC

Champ Showman: Stitzel Sheep Shearing

Champ Fitter: Stitzel Sheep Shearing

Champ Market Lamb: Fulton Bank,
Mike Firestine

Banner Market Lamb: Sheep & Wool Growers

Banner Ewe: Rosie’s Kitchen

Ram Banner: Winterside Farm

Wool Banner: Stitzel Sheep Shearing


Show Sponsor: Moatz Family

Champ Showman: Tercha Farms

Champ Fitter: Kutztown Young Farmers

Champ Market Steer: Fulton Bank,
Mike Firestine

Banner Market Beef: Berks County Grange

Banner Breeding Beef: Stutzman Crop Care



Show Sponsor: Reichard Ground Services

Champ Showman: Berks County Grange

Champ Fitter: TIMAC USA, Inc.

Banner Dairy Beef: DJ Chicken Nugget


Ice Tea Chugging: Pocono Mountain Dairy

Animal Mardi Gras: Berks County Grange

Pedal Tractor Pull: Berks County Grange

Bale Toss: sponsor needed

Giant Sundae: Kirbyville Holsteins

Overall Showmanship (Champion & Reserve):
Donald R. Ransom Jr. Accounting Services

Monetary Award, Champion & Reserve Champion
Showman: Brett Treichler Ag Agency

Fun on the Farm Tent: Berks County Dept of Ag

Best Dairy & Livestock Display: Reu-Hel Farms
Holsteins & Conn-Quest Jerseys

Carcass Evaluation:
Wexcon, Inc. and Gauker Farms

Preemie Dairy Show:
Morrissey Insurance Agency


* Special weigh-in rule: Proper footwear must be worn for weigh-in; No flip- flops or sandals.
* Special Attire rule: Proper attire and footwear shall be worn throughout the duration of the fair.

Click on each bar below to read the section you need.



ENTRY DEADLINE: No livestock entries will be accepted after July 5. Remember, entries must be postmarked, emailed or hand-delivered by June 30th.
BUILDING EXHIBITS: Everyone shall pick up their entry tags in Beltzner Hall. You will be directed where to take your entries.

  1. All exhibitors agree to be bound by the rules and regulations of The Kutztown Fair, Inc.
  2. The fair management reserves the right to amend or add to these rules and regulations as its judgment may determine.
  3. Reasonable care will be taken to protect all exhibits on display from all injury and damage, but the fair is not, in any way, to be held responsible for accidents, loss or damage by water, fire, theft or otherwise, whatever may be the cause or extent of the damage or loss.
  4. Entries will be made according to the classifications listed in this Premium Book. Entry tags must be properly marked to show the name of the exhibit. In the case of livestock, Breed name must be shown on cards so that it can be readily identified by the viewer.
  5. Premiums, as listed, may be given meritorious exhibits. In cases where there is no competition, judges may give an award such as they deem the exhibit is worthy to receive. The same rule applies where there are fewer entries in any class than the number of premiums offered. The judges may, at their discretion, award a ribbon or rosette. The fair reserves the right to determine how many entries they will accept from an exhibitor in the same class or, in the case of livestock, the same breed. Each exhibitor, however, is limited to a maximum of 2 premiums per class for livestock and dairy exhibitors.
  6. It shall be the responsibility of the exhibitor to properly name the article or breed of livestock they are entering. Any exhibit improperly entered will be disqualified from receiving a prize, but the judges will mark the correct name on the entry tag for the benefit of the owner so the same mistake in entering need not be made the second time.
  7. All entries must be grown, produced, or made since the last fair by the person whose name appears on the tag as exhibitor.
  8. Superintendents reserve the right to bar from competition animals, vegetables, flowers, poultry, products and manufactured articles of decidedly inferior quality and those not possessing sufficient merit to warrant recognition. The fair reserves the right to remove any exhibit not worthy of viewing by the public.
  9. Food products cannot be polluted with any substance or chemical that causes them to become poisonous and unfit to be used as food. Any such incidents must be reported to the Pennsylvania Agricultural Fair Program for further review.
  10. No exhibit may be removed at any time before the close of the fair except by consent of the management.
  11. The ribbons or rosettes must be placed on the exhibit, stall or pen of the individual winners for the duration of the fair. Where award ribbons are stolen or destroyed, the exhibitor may receive a duplicate at the close of the fair or show which shall be supplied by the fair free of charge.
  12. Judging of livestock and dairy cattle is viewed as an educational process and the public is encouraged to view the judging event. Any exhibitor interfering with the judges while making awards shall forfeit any premium to which he would otherwise have been entitled.
  13. All applications for entries must be made on printed forms and in accordance with the instructions on the same.
  14. No gambling, immoral exhibition, or intoxicated persons will be allowed on the fair grounds.
  15. SMOKING, DRINKING, AND/OR POSSESSION OF ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES IN OR NEAR THE LIVESTOCK AND DAIRY AREAS IS FORBIDDEN BY THE RULES AND REGULATIONS OF THE KUTZTOWN FAIR ASSOCIATION, INC. AND WILL BE RIGIDLY ENFORCED. Exhibitors violating this rule will be expelled along with their exhibits from the fair and will forfeit their premiums. They may also be barred from exhibiting at future Kutztown Fairs.
  16. Any improper conduct on the part of an exhibitor shall be punishable by expulsion from the Fairgrounds and the immediate removal of exhibits including the forfeiture of premiums.
  17. All articles for exhibition must be entered in the name of the real owner and be in their places with all rubbish and trash cleared away by designated arrival time on the opening day of the fair, unless otherwise specified, and remain on the grounds until released by the respective departments. Exhibit removal times are listed in the Fair Judging Schedule and/or the individual departments.
  18. Entries are limited to Berks and Lehigh counties, as space permits.



Tents and campers (RV’s) must pre-register (even if there is no need for electric hook-up) by mailing information and payment (if applicable) to P.O. Box 6, Kutztown, PA 19530 by July 20. Include:

  1. Size of tent, camper, or RV
  2. Hook-up needed: 110 or none needed.
  3. Registration fee of $50 for 110 – 20 amp service only. All other campers or tent spots $25

Note: Larger RV/campers shall stay toward the bottom end. Smaller RV/campers near the top. All must be back at the fairgrounds fence. No awnings or picnic tables may be placed between campers. No tents shall be set up prior to noon of Sunday before fair.



1. Judges are earnestly requested to familiarize themselves with all the rules and regulations of The Kutztown Fair Association, Inc. and to mark especially those rules bearing on the classes to be adjudicated by them. If any rule lacks clarity, attention should be called to it before judging.

2. The judges must not award a prize to any unworthy exhibit. It is the intention of The Kutztown Fair Association, Inc. that a premium or distinction of any kind be given only to an animal or article worthy thereof. In the event of a premium being withheld from any exhibit for that reason, the judge will write “not worthy” in the award column opposite such entry. In case there is no competition in a class, they will award a premium according to the merit of the animal or article as in their judgment the article or animal deserves.

3. If any exhibitor in any way, whether in person or by agent, interferes with the judge during adjudication, or shows any disrespect to a judge, he may exclude him from competition and from the ring and may withhold from such exhibitor any premiums that may have been awarded.

4. The decision of the judges shall be final in all cases except where mistakes, fraud, misrepresentation, or collusion, not discovered at the time of the award, is proved. In such cases, the Superintendent, Manager, or Secretary of the fair or show, or such referee as he may appoint, may make the decision with his approval. The case may be appealed to the Fair Board from whose decision there can be no appeal. All protests regarding judging must be in writing and must plainly state the cause of the complaint or appeal. Such protests must be filed at the Fair Office within 24 hours of the occurrence.



1. All premiums must be demanded on or before the last day of October. While it is the full intention and desire to pay all premiums in full as advertised in the premium list, yet should any contingency arise by reason of unfavorable weather, etc., whereby the receipts of the Fair Board are short, then in that event the Fair Board reserves the right to pay prorated upon the gross receipts, after deducting expenses and the amount so paid shall discharge the obligations of the Fair Board.

2. Any checks handed out or sent for premiums must be cashed or replaced within 60 days of receipt.



1. Conditions agreed upon regarding concessions and privilege contracts must be strictly adhered to.

2. The Fair Board reserves the right to cancel any contract upon receipt of notice from any Fair holding membership in the State Association of Fairs or International Association of Fairs and Expositions that the exhibitor or concessionaire has been suspended or expelled for violation of contract or rules of said member.

3. Privileges of questionable nature or of a demoralizing tendency will not be sold or tolerated on the property of The Kutztown Fair Association, Inc.

4. Concessionaires, exhibitors, renters will not be permitted to make any installations which will in any way obstruct the light or occasion any inconvenience to other exhibitors.

5. Positively no one shall tamper with, or change, any of the general illumination in any of the buildings and no electricity or gas connection shall be made, or pipe installed, by any person not in direct employ, or under the supervision of the Fair Board.

6. Concessionaires must comply strictly with all Federal, State and Municipal and Fair Board’s health rules, all of which will be rigidly enforced.

7. A sign shall be placed at the front entrance of each stand or enclosure showing the price charged for lunches, meals, or drinks. Said signs to meet with the approval of the management and to be at all times in view of the customer or patron.

8. All space allowed must be improved and decorated by concessionaires at their own expense and unless otherwise stipulated all light and power must be paid by the concessionaire and exhibitors.

9. Concessionaires must use the products on the grounds for which privileges have been granted.

10. All deliveries by vehicle of food, soft drinks, or any other articles of merchandise will be admitted for a fee established by the Fair Board. All deliveries must be prior to 1:00 P.M. any day of the fair except in the case of emergency the concession department may authorize other deliveries.


* Special weigh-in rule: Proper footwear must be worn for weigh-in; No flip- flops or sandals.
* Special Attire rule: Proper attire and footwear shall be worn throughout the duration of the fair.

Notice to all Livestock Exhibitors: In the event that the Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture issues a ban or quarantine on any species, the Fair Committee will fully comply with those restrictions. The announcement will be made as soon as the Fair Committee receives official notification.

1. All fair livestock and dairy cattle ENTRIES ARE DUE June 30, 2024 to Kutztown Fair Entries, PO Box 6, Kutztown, PA 19530. ENTRIES MUST BE POSTMARKED ON OR BEFORE ABOVE DATE.
Late entries will be $5 per entry for livestock and $10 per entry for dairy. Each exhibitor is limited to a total of 10 animals per species with a maximum of 2 premiums per class. (10 limit does not include Market) NO ENTRIES WILL BE ACCEPTED AFTER JULY 5, 2024.

2. APPLICATION FOR ENTRY: All applications for entry must be made on Kutztown Fair Entry forms found in the premium book and online. Entry forms must be completed in detail according to the instructions as printed on the entry form. A separate entry form must be used for each owner and each species. In all cases the right is reserved to reject entirely or accept conditionally any entry or application. By signing a livestock entry form or typing your name if submitting online entries, you are in agreement with the following sentence: I attest and affirm that a “veterinary-client- patient relationship” – as that phrase is defined in the Animal Exhibition Sanitation Law found at 3Pa.C.S.A. 2501 et seq/ and any amendments thereto – exists with regard to any animals that I will be exhibiting.

3. 4H / FFA Livestock and Dairy Entries are limited to 4-H and FFA members in good standing from clubs or chapters located in Berks and Lehigh Counties. A maximum of 10 head/exhibitor/species is allowed. Berks exhibitors will have first consideration when space is limited. Open entries are limited to Berks and Lehigh Counties as space permits.

4. All rules and regulations governing the livestock exhibitors at the Kutztown Fair are contained in this document. Each exhibitor should familiarize himself/herself with all rules, both General and Special.

5. The handling and showing of livestock may involve risk of bodily injury and damage to personal property. The Kutztown Fair and any other entities responsible for conducting this show, including their employees, agents or volunteers, will in no case be responsible for any loss, damage, or injury done to or occasioned by, or arising from, any animal or article exhibited at the show, or injury to person or persons representing the exhibitor in any way at the show – EVEN IF SUCH INJURY OR DAMAGE IS THE RESULT OF THE NEGLIGENCE OR GROSS NEGLIGENCE OF THE ABOVE PARTIES. IF ANYONE FEELS THEY CANNOT MAKE THIS AGREEMENT NOT TO SUE OR MAKE CLAIM AGAINST THE ABOVE PARTIES, THEY SHOULD NOT PARTICIPATE IN THE SHOW. Participation in the show will be interpreted as a commitment and agreement by all participating persons to assume all risks of injury or damage and as a waiver of all rights to sue and make claim against the above parties.
By participating in this show, all participants also commit themselves and agree to be bound to indemnify any entity or person whom they sue or make claim against, that is, they agree to fully pay such parties or person for any monetary or other damages that those parties suffer as a result of suit being instituted or claim being made against them including but not limited to the payment of all expenses, attorney’s fees, court judgment or other money damages arising from such suit or claim.

6. SPECIAL RULES: Special rules or conditions are published in each section of each department. If there is a conflict between the special rule of any department and the general rules and regulations, the special rules will govern.

7. VIOLATION OF RULES: Any exhibitor who violates any of the rules will forfeit all privileges and premiums and be subject to other penalties as the Fair management may order.

8. INTERPRETATION: The management reserves to its Chairmen the final and absolute right to interpret these rules, regulations and classifications, and to arbitrarily settle and determine all matters, questions or differences in regard thereto, or otherwise arising out of, or connected with, or incident to, the Kutztown Fair.

9. AMENDING RULES: The management reserves the right to amend or add to these rules as the Kutztown Fair Ag Committee may determine.

10. PROTESTS: All protests must be in writing and presented to the appropriate Chairman. Such protest must state plainly the cause of the complaint, or appeal. Protests will be considered by the Kutztown Fair Ag Committee as quickly as possible and their decision in the matter shall be final.

11. All livestock offered for premiums must be the property of the owners for 30 days or longer. 4-H & FFA exhibitors must meet ownership requirements of their clubs, however, youth may exhibit leased animals in the dairy heifer classes provided the animal is leased according to the PA Junior Dairy Show Guidelines. A signed copy of the approved project plan must be filed in the Extension Office by May 1, and a copy presented at check-in. Health papers are to be issued in the name of the exhibitor.

12. Joint ownership considered to be as one owner in accordance with registration papers.

13. Breeding animals must be purebred and registered in their respective herd books. Pending registrations will not be accepted. Original registration papers shall be presented at check-in time and shall be kept available until the completion of the judging. All animals must be fit representatives of the breed and be in proper showing condition. If unworthy in this respect they will be disqualified from exhibition and premiums.

14. Health certificates must accompany each animal. The health rules described in this catalog must absolutely be followed.

15. All exhibitors please check the health regulations for each type of livestock exhibited. Health Certificates must remain on the grounds for the duration of the fair.

16. Exhibitors will be expected to display or parade their animals as directed by the superintendent; to accept the stall assigned without controversy; to keep their animals in an attractive appearance, and to cooperate with the Department in every way that may serve to increase the educational value of the show.

17. Halters, buckets, feeding equipment, bedding and hay must be provided by the exhibitor. No paper bedding is allowed.

18. Housing: The committee reserves the right to restrict entries due to barn space. Housing Committee will work with club leaders to utilize barn space.

19. Barn Fans: Fans in the livestock barns will be limited to the hanging type only. No floor fans will be permitted. No household fans will be permitted.

20. The exhibitors will be expected to keep the space they occupy, as well as adjacent aisles, driveways, etc., in a clean and sanitary condition and to remove all their equipment promptly as the Livestock Superintendent may direct.

21. APPEARANCE OF EXHIBITS: Exhibitors are expected to cooperate with the management to present attractive and appealing barn exhibits by:
(1) keeping their animals fed and watered and their stalls neat and clean from the time of unloading and all throughout the Fair; (2) keeping the spectator walkways clear of all straw, feed, fans, etc. (3) maintaining courteous behavior at all times. This cooperation will leave spectators with a very favorable reaction and encourage more visitors to the barn areas.

22) Animals should be tied or penned in a manner that will not hurt the animal or restrict breathing in any way. Animals should be tied so that all four feet are firmly on the ground and have sufficient room to stand comfortably and lay down. Animals should be tied so that they are not able to injure animals tied near them. Any type of rough handling which could harm the animal is prohibited.

23. The management requests that all livestock exhibitors clean animals before bringing them to the Fair.

24. Exhibitors of livestock are requested to decorate their quarters as tastefully as possible, and keep that part of the building occupied by them neat and attractive in appearance. Decorations are to remain in place until livestock are released. Paper, cans, wire, twine, glass, etc. are not to be discarded with the manure.

25. Decorations with ribbons or ornaments previously won by animals at shows shall be prohibited until after the awards have been made in their respective classes by the judges.

26. All market or meat animals will be weighed on the same set of scales for placing in correct class.

27. UNETHICAL FITTING: Any animal showing evidence of unethical fitting practices such as tampering with the natural fleshing and muscle development will be barred from the show and no premiums awarded. Determination will be made by the Kutztown Fair Ag Committee

28. USE CAUTION WHEN FITTING YOUR ANIMALS. Be sure to use only grooming products that are approved for use on meat and dairy animals when fitting your animals for show. Unapproved products may contain ingredients that result in unacceptable residues in the meat or milk. If you are not certain that a product is residue safe and approved for use on meat or dairy animals – do not use it.
IMPORTANT – If upon slaughter, treatment with drugs, biologics, or any other chemical from fitting products, is the cause of condemnation of a carcass, the loss of the carcass and any other damages will be borne by the exhibitor.

29. When on exhibition in the ring, each animal must be under halter and charge of owner or employee. The fair will have stand-by attendants available during the youth judging or showing should there be trouble in the ring.

30. Exhibitors of livestock must inform themselves as to when their stock will be judged. Stock must be in the ring promptly on call; failure to comply with the order renders the exhibitors liable to be ruled out of competing.

31. When only one animal is shown in a class the judge will award only such prize as the animal deserves.

32. No person shall be allowed in the ring while stock is being judged except judges, superintendents, and necessary attendants.

33. EXHIBITORS: No exhibitor, nor his/her agent, shall communicate with the judges during the determination of awards except to answer questions proposed by the judges. Any exhibitor interfering with the judges while making awards shall forfeit any premium to which he/she would otherwise be entitled. No person shall be allowed in the ring while livestock is being judged except judge(s), Chair, Ringman, and necessary attendants.

34. All exhibitors, regardless of the class or the species, must wear closed-toe shoes while moving, feeding, bathing, showing or in any way working with any animal. Sandals or flip-flops are strictly prohibited. Proper attire and footwear shall be worn throughout the duration of the fair.


36. All exhibitors of livestock and dairy animals agree to follow the International Assoc. of Fair and Expositions National Code of Show Ring Ethics as listed in this premium booklet.

37. Animals must be clean one hour prior to fair opening each day. A $25 fine will be assessed to animals not cleaned. See Dept 22, Section 540 for full details.


Exhibitors of animals at livestock shows shall at all times deport themselves with honesty and good sportsmanship. Their conduct in this competitive environment shall always reflect the highest standards of honor and dignity to promote the advancement of agricultural education. This code applies to junior as well as open class exhibitors who compete in structured classes of competition. This code applies to all livestock offered in any event at a livestock show. In addition to the “IAFE National Code of Show Ring Ethics,” fairs and livestock shows may have rules and regulations which they impose on the local, county, state, provincial and national levels.

All youth leaders working with junior exhibitors are under an affirmative responsibility to do more than avoid improper conduct or questionable acts. Their moral values must be so certain and positive that those younger and more pliable will be influenced by their fine example. Owners, exhibitors, fitters, trainers and absolutely responsible persons who violate the code of ethics will forfeit premiums, awards and auction proceeds and shall be prohibited from future exhibition in accordance with the rules adopted by the respective fairs and livestock shows. Exhibitors who violate this code of ethics demean the integrity of all livestock exhibitors and should be prohibited from competition at all livestock shows in the United States and Canada.

The following is a list of guidelines for all exhibitors and all livestock in competitive events:

1. All exhibitors must present, upon request of fair and livestock show officials, proof of ownership, length of ownership and age of all animals entered. Misrepresentation of ownership, age, or any facts relating thereto is prohibited.

2. Owners, exhibitors, fitters, trainers, or absolutely responsible persons shall provide animal health certificates from licensed veterinarians upon request by fair or livestock show officials.

3. Junior exhibitors are expected to care for and groom their animals while at fairs or livestock shows.

4. Animals shall be presented to show events where they will enter the food chain free of drugs. The act of entering an animal in a livestock show is the giving of consent by the owner, exhibitor, fitter, trainer and/or absolutely responsible person for show management to obtain any specimens of urine, saliva, blood, or other substances from the animal to be used in testing. Animals not entered in an event which culminates with the animal entering the food chain shall not be administered drugs other than in accordance with applicable federal, state and provincial statutes, regulations and rules. Livestock shall not be exhibited if the drugs administered in accordance with federal, state and provincial statutes, regulations and rules affect the animal’s performance or appearance at the event.

If the laboratory report on the chemical analysis of saliva, urine, blood, or other sample taken from livestock indicates the presence of forbidden drugs or medication, this shall be prima facie evidence such substance has been administered to the animal either internally or externally. It is presumed that the sample of urine, saliva, blood or other substance tested by the approved laboratory to which it is sent is the one taken from the animal in question, its integrity is preserved and all procedures of said collection and preservation, transfer to the laboratory and analysis of the sample are correct and accurate and the report received from the laboratory pertains to the sample taken from the animal in question and correctly reflects the condition of the animal at the time the sample was taken, with the burden on the owner, exhibitor, fitter, trainer, or absolutely responsible person to prove otherwise at any hearing in regard to the matter conducted by the fair or livestock show.

At any time after an animal arrives on the fair or livestock show premises, all treatments involving the use of drugs and/or medications shall be administered by a licensed veterinarian.

5. Any surgical procedure or injection of any foreign substance or drug or the external application of any substance (irritant, counter-irritant, or similar substance) which could affect the animal’s performance or alter its natural contour, confirmation, or appearance, except external applications of substances to the hoofs or horns of animals which affect appearance only and except for surgical procedure performed by a duly licensed veterinarian for the sole purpose of protecting the health of the animal, is prohibited.

6. The use of showing and/or handling practices or devices such as striking animals to cause swelling, using electrical contrivance, or other similar practices are not acceptable and are prohibited.

7. Direct criticism or interference with the judge, fair or livestock show management, other exhibitors, breed representatives, or show officials before, during, or after the competitive event is prohibited. In the furtherance of their official duty, all judges, fair and livestock show management, or other show officials shall be treated with courtesy, cooperation and respect and no person shall direct abusive or threatening conduct toward them.

8. No owner, exhibitor, fitter, trainer, or absolutely responsible person shall conspire with another person or persons to intentionally violate this code of ethics or knowingly contribute or cooperate with another person or persons either by affirmative action or inaction to violate this code of ethics. Violation of this rule shall subject such individual to disciplinary action.

9. The application of this code of ethics provides for absolute responsibility for an animal’s condition by an owner, exhibitor, fitter, trainer, or participant whether or not he or she was actually instrumental in or had actual knowledge of the treatment of the animal in contravention of this code of ethics.

10. The act of entering an animal is the giving of consent by the owner, exhibitor, fitter, trainer or absolutely responsible person to have any disciplinary action taken by the fair or livestock show against such individuals published in any publication of the International Association of Fairs and Expositions, including Fairs and Expositions and any special notices to members.

11. The act of entering an animal in a fair or livestock show is the giving of verification by the owner, exhibitor, fitter, trainer, or absolutely responsible person that he or she has read the IAFE National Code of Show Ring Ethics and understands the consequences of and penalties provided for actions prohibited by the code. It is further a consent that any action which contravenes these rules and is also in violation of federal, state, or provincial statutes, regulations, or rules may be released to appropriate law enforcement authorities with jurisdiction over such infractions.


All animals admitted to the Fair shall be identified by a unique and permanent ear tag, tattoo, brand or records of unique physical attributes.

1. Animals known to be infected with or exposed to any contagious, infectious or external parasitic disease, and animals restricted by quarantine may not be assembled for show purposes.

2. All animals admitted to the Fair must comply with applicable state or federal rules.

3. Animals presented for exhibition will be subject to inspection by show officials and will be rejected if evidence of infectious, contagious or parasitic disease is apparent or if health certification or identification documentation is not acceptable.

4. All show animals should be held in isolation for at least 30 days after return to the herd of origin.

5. Any vet expenses incurred during the fair are the responsibility of the animal owner.

6. Each health certificate must say it is for “Kutztown Fair”


Click on each bar below to read the section you need.



1. A Certificate of Veterinary Inspection (CVI) issued within the 30 days prior to the opening date of the exhibition is required.

2. All animals must be free of infectious and contagious diseases and a statement of this is required on the CVI (the statement is pre-printed on the CVI) . Animals appearing unhealthy upon arrival may not enter the exhibition grounds.

3. Individual official animal identification is required. Official ID includes:
• A state-issued metal ear tag; or
• An ISO-compliant RFID tag

4. Shipping Fever is recommended by PA Dept. of Agriculture.
NOTE: Breed ear tags and tattoos are not considered as of cial ID for cattle. Animals must have either metal tags issued by the Dept. of Ag., DHIA tags, or RFID tags.



1. A Certificate of Veterinary Inspection (CVI) issued within the 30 days prior to the opening date of the exhibition is required.

2. All animals must be free of infectious and contagious diseases and a statement of this is required on the CVI (the statement is pre-printed on the CVI) . Animals appearing unhealthy upon arrival may not enter the exhibition grounds.

3. Individual official USDA scrapie animal identification is required. Official scrapie ID includes:
• A scrapie ear tag. Contact the USDA to obtain scrapie ear tags at 1-800-873-2824, weekdays from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Your order may take several weeks for processing, so order tags early; or
• A scrapie tattoo with individual animal ID (tattoo); or
• An ISO-compliant RFID tag.



1. A Certificate of Veterinary Inspection (CVI) issued within the 30 days prior to the opening date of the exhibition is required.

2. All animals must be free of infectious and contagious diseases and a statement of this is required on the CVI (the statement is pre- printed on the CVI) . Animals appearing unhealthy upon arrival may not enter the exhibition grounds.

3. Individual animal ID is required. ID options include the following:
• A form of official ID (herd tattoo in combination with and ear notch; of a state issued metal ear tag; or an ISO-compliant Radio Frequency Identifiation tag); or
• A plastic stamped ear tag.

4. Interstate swine exhibited at Pennsylvania shows or fairs must meet the Pennsylvania requirements and must be accompanied by an interstate health certificate to be eligible for entry.



1. A Certificate of Veterinary Inspection (CVI) issued within the 30 days prior to the opening date of the exhibition is required.

2. All animals must be free of infectious and contagious diseases and a statement of this is required on the CVI (the statement is pre- printed on the CVI) . Animals appearing unhealthy upon arrival may not enter the exhibition grounds.

3. Individual official animal identification is required. Official ID includes:
• A scrapie ear tag. Contact the USDA to obtain scrapie ear tags at 1-800-873-2824, weekdays from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Your order may take several weeks for processing, so order tags early; or
• A scrapie tattoo with individual animal ID (tattoo); or • An ISO-compliant RFID tag.

4. Inter State animals must meet Pennsylvania Rules.


1. A $5.00 per animal entry fee is required for all open class dairy animals. All entries must enter the open class if entered in the junior show.
ENTRY FEE MUST ACCOMPANY THE ENTRY FORM. Make checks payable to Kutztown Fair Association.
2. All group classes must be listed on Entry Forms. No added entries during show.
3. Because of limited space there will be a $25 fee for animals scratched after Aug. 3, 2024
4. Animals must be 87% or greater registration ancestry to be eligible to show.


NOTE: The same classifications and premiums apply to each breed. Use the following designations for breed classes. Animals eligible for Junior Dairy Show competition under the Holstein Qualified Entry, or the Guernsey and Jersey Genetic Recovery Programs will be considered eligible for show.

1. Ayrshire 2. Brown Swiss
3. Guernsey 4. Holstein
5. Jersey 6. Lineback
7. Milking Shorthorn 8. Red & White

Class | Premiums – $18, 16, 14, 12, 10, 9, 8, 7, all others $5

1. Spring Calf-born between Mar. 1, 2024 and May 31, 2024
2. Winter Calf-born between Dec. 1, 2023 and Feb. 28, 2023
3. Fall Calf-born between Sept. 1, 2023 and Nov. 30, 2023

Class  | Premiums – $22, 19, 16, 14, 12, 10, 9, 8, 7

4. Summer Yearling Heifer – born between Jun. 1, 2023 and Aug. 31, 2023
5. Spring Yearling Heifer – born between Mar. 1, 2023 and May 31, 2023
6. Winter Yearling Heifer – born between Dec. 1, 2022 and Feb. 28, 2023
7. Fall Yearling Heifer – born between Sept. 1, 2022 and Nov. 30, 2022
8. Junior Champion Female – Rosette
9. Reserve Junior Champion Female – Rosette

Class |  Premiums – $35, 30, 25, 20, 15, 10, 9, 8, 7

10. Dry Cow – 2 years old and over born before March 1, 2022, must have freshened at least once.
11. Fall Yearling in milk – born between Sept. 1, 2022 and Nov. 30, 2022
12. Summer 2 year-old – born between Jun. 1, 2022 and Aug. 31, 2022
13. Jr 2 year old – born between Mar. 1, 2022 and May. 31, 2022
14. Senior 2 year-old – born between Sept. 1, 2021 and Feb. 28, 2022
15. Junior 3 year-old – born between Mar. 1, 2021 and Aug. 31, 2021
16. Senior 3 years old – born between Sept. 1, 2020 and Feb. 28, 2021
17. 4 year-old – born between Sept. 1, 2019 and Aug. 31, 2020
18. 5 year-old – born between Sept. 1, 2018 and Aug. 31, 2019
19. 6 year-old – born before Sept. 1, 2018
20. Senior Champion Female – Rosette
21. Reserve Senior Champion Female – Rosette
22. Grand Champion Female – Rosette and Trophy
23. Reserve Grand Champion Female – Rosette
24. Cow in Milk, any age to be judged on udder alone
$15, 10

Class  | Premiums – $25, 20, 15, 10
(limited to 1 premium/Class/exhibitor)

25. Animal bred and owned by exhibitor
26. Get of Sire, 3 animals, any age, all by one sire ; need not be owned by one exhibitor.
27. Best 3 females, all bred and at least 1 owned by exhibitor
28. Dairy Herd – 3 cows that have freshened, all owned by one exhibitor
29. Produce of Dam – 2 animals any age, the produce of one cow, need not be owned by one exhibitor
30. Dam and her daughter – any age, need not be owned by the same exhibitor
450. Holstein Premier Breeder – Banner
451. Holstein Premier Exhibitor – Banner
999. Supreme Champion Heifer – Banner
1000. Supreme Champion Cow – Banner
(All champions shall be milked out)


Roger D. Bowman | 610-562-4875

Pre-registration is recommended using the General Entry form on the website.

1. Items will be displayed in the former Arts & Crafts Building. Please stop in Beltzner Hall to get your entry tag(s).
2. All wool exhibited must be shorn within 12 months of the show.
3. All Fleeces entered in the show must have been grown on sheep owned by the exhibitor.
4. Exhibitors are limited to two entries in each class.
5. All fleeces for exhibit must be tied with paper twine or contained in a clear, plastic bag. Fleeces may be rejected if they are tied with sisal twine or other heavy, rough twine as well as fleeces containing an excessive amount of foreign matter such as tags, burrs, chaff, straw, etc.
6. No premiums will be awarded in classes where the exhibits are not deemed worthy.
7. Entries are limited to residents of Berks and Lehigh Counties. Including open entries.
8. Wool will be judged on Monday of the fair.
9. A $1.00 per fleece entry fee must accompany the entry form.

Class | Premiums – $12, 10, 8, 7, 6, 5

1. 64s, 70s, 80s ( fine combing) ram fleece
2. 64s, 70s, 80s ( fine combing) ewe fleece
3. 60s, 62s (half blood) combing ram fleece
4. 60s, 62s (half blood) combing ewe fleece
5. 56s, 58s (3/8 blood) combing ram fleece
6. 56s, 58s (3/8 blood) combing ewe fleece
7. 50s, 54s (1/4 blood) combing ram fleece
8. 50s, 54s (1/4 blood) combing ewe fleece
9. 46s, 48s (low blood) combing ram fleece
10. 46s, 48s (low blood) combing ewe fleece
11. Natural Color Fine Fleece
12. Natural Color Medium Fleece
13. Natural Color Coarse Fleece
14. Champion Fleece – Rosette
15. Reserve Champion Fleece – Rosette


Ginger Schappell | 610-223-4887






Pre-registration is recommended using the General Entry form on the website.

1. An exhibit shall be 1 dozen eggs in a standard carton.
2. The judges have the right to break two eggs for examination.


Exterior Quality:

Size (Total Weight) – 16 points
Uniformity of color – 12 points
Uniformity of shape – 12 points
Shell Texture – 12 points
Condition – 12 points
Interior Quality – 36 points

TOTAL 100 points

SIZE: Total weight of exhibit.

A perfect score for chicken eggs will be given to the dozen of eggs weighing between 24 and 27 ounces. If the average weight is within one ounce either above 27 ounces or below 24 ounces, cut 8 points. If more than one ounce either above or below, cut 16 points.

UNIFORMITY OF COLOR: All eggs in the entry should be the same shade of color:

If white, all eggs should be chalk white, and free from creamy or tinted coloring. If brown, all eggs should be uniformly the same shade of color. A cut of 1/4 to 1/2 point per egg may be made according to the actual shade of each egg, and how well it conforms to uniformity of shade with the other eggs in the dozen.

UNIFORMITY OF SHAPE: Each egg to conform as nearly as possible in shape.

Extremes should be avoided. Cut 1/4 to 1/2 point for each egg off shape or ridged.

SHELL TEXTURE: The shell should be strong and of uniform thickness.

Cut 1/4 to 1/2 point per egg for shells that are rough, ridged, or wrinkled and for shells that are porous, mottled, or blind check. Cut one point for each egg that is cracked or leaks.

CONDITION: The eggs should be clean and carry a natural bloom.

Cut 1/2 to 1 point for each dirty or stained egg, or egg with shiny or glassy surface.


Grade AA
Grade A
Grade B – including double yolked eggs
C Quality – Inedible eggs, including large blood or meat spots




3/4 1-1/2
Disqualify entry eggs.

Other Disqualifications

1. Entry weight more than 4 oz above or below specs.
2. Eggs showing signs of incubation or germ development.
3. Inedible Eggs.

Class | Premiums - $5.00, 4.00, 3.00

1. Brown chicken eggs
2. White chicken eggs
3. Duck eggs
4. Turkey eggs
5. Bantam eggs
6. Guinea eggs
7. Other

Best of Show ... Rosette



4-H Club members must have passed their eighth birthday, but not have passed their nineteenth birthday by Jan. 1 of the current year.
Exhibitors must be members in good standing of a regularly organized 4-H club, carrying a project in the field in which they wish to make entry, and be under the supervision of the Pennsylvania State University Cooperative Extension Service. Any 4-H Dairy project shown, must meet the ownership requirements of the Jr. Dairy Show rules.

All animals must be verified as project animals by 4-H Leader’s or Ag Advisor or Ag Administration. 4-H & FFA members must be present and have charge of showing their projects at the time of judging. An exception would be made for exhibitors at an institution of higher education.

For any projects, excluding live animals, not listed in the premium book please check with chairperson or Extension Office.
Vocational students must be enrolled in the class in which they wish to make an entry. Students enrolled in general home economics in a comprehensive high school are considered as qualifying. All entries shall be approved prior to the fair by a member of the Pennsylvania Department of Education, Agriculture, or Home Economics staff or their designated representative.
NOTE: In any case where there is reference to 4-H and Vocational classes, the fair has the option, if there is a sufficient number of available exhibits, to divide the show into two, one for 4-H and one for Vocational, or they may be shown together.

CHAPERONS - 4-H and FFA leadership must be responsible where chaperons are concerned. Chaperons may not be a youth exhibitor! Chaperons need not be a club leader, but must be at least 21 years of age.


4-H Club or FFA members must be present and have charge of their animals at the time of judging.
NOTE: The same classifications and premiums apply to each breed. Use the following designations for breed classes. Animals eligible for Junior Dairy Show competition under the Holstein Qualified Entry, or the Guernsey and Jersey Genetic Recovery Programs will be considered eligible for show.

1. Ayrshire 2. Brown Swiss
3. Guernsey 4. Holstein
5. Jersey 6. Lineback
7. Milking Shorthorn 8. Red & White

Class | Premiums – $18, 16, 14, 12, 10, 9, 8, 7, all others $5

1. Spring Calf – born between Mar. 1, 2024 and May 31, 2024
2. Winter Calf – born between Dec. 1, 2023 and Feb. 28, 2024
3. Fall Calf – born between Sept. 1, 2023 and Nov. 30, 2023

Class | Premiums – $22, 19, 16, 14, 12, 10, 9, 8, 7

4. Summer Yearling Heifer – born between Jun. 1, 2023 and Aug. 31, 2023
5. Spring Yearling Heifer – born between Mar. 1, 2023 and May 31, 2023
6. Winter Yearling Heifer – born between Dec. 1, 2022 and Feb. 28, 2023
7. Fall Yearling Heifer – born between Sept. 1, 2022 and Nov. 30, 2022
8. Junior Champion Female – Rosette
9. Reserve Junior Champion Female – Rosette

Class | Premiums – $35, 30, 25, 20, 15, 10, 9, 8, 7

10. Dry Cow – 2 years old and over born before March 1, 2022, must have freshened at least once.
11. Fall Yearling in milk – born between Sept. 1, 2022 and Nov. 30, 2022
12. Summer 2 year-old – born between Jun. 1, 2022 and Aug. 31, 2022
13. Jr 2 year old – born between Mar. 1, 2021 and May. 31, 2021
14. Senior 2 year-old – born between Sept. 1, 2021 and Feb. 28, 2022
15. Junior 3 year-old – born between Mar. 1, 2021 and Aug. 31, 2021
16. Senior 3 years old – born between Sept. 1, 2209 and Feb. 28, 2021
17. 4 year-old – born between Sept. 1, 2019 and Aug. 31, 2020
18. 5 year-old – born between Sept. 1, 2018 and Aug. 31, 2019
19. 6 year-old – born before Sept. 1, 2018
20. Senior Champion Female – Rosette
21. Reserve Senior Champion Female – Rosette
22. Grand Champion Female – Rosette
23. Reserve Grand Champion Female – Rosette
1000. Supreme Champion Cow, 4-H – Banner

Class | Premiums – $30, 25, 20, 15, 10

31. School or Club Herd – 4 animals owned by at least 2 exhibitors, no exhibitor with more than two animals. Limited to 2 herds/Club/breed, no repetitive owners.


1. 4-H or FFA members may show an animal in the showmanship contest provided it has been carried as a project and is owned by the exhibitor.
2. Exhibitors will be arranged according to birth date and assigned to their classes to provide for classes of approximately equal size.
3. Exhibitors must pre-register on entry form.

Class | Premiums – $16, 15, 14, 13, 12, 11, 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2

1. Showmanship – Senior I exhibitors
2. Showmanship – Senior II exhibitors
3. Showmanship – Intermediate I exhibitors
4. Showmanship – Intermediate II exhibitors
5. Showmanship – Junior I exhibitors
6. Showmanship – Junior II exhibitors
7. Grand Champion Showman – Trophy, and Rosette
8. Reserve Champion Showman – Rosette


2. Three divisions, Junior, Intermediate, and Senior – divided equally by ages.
3. Dairy calves & heifers only (no cows).
4. Animals do not have to be owned by the exhibitor.
5. All animals used must be shown in the type show.
6. All animals must be clean.
7. All animals are to have their heads, ears, front legs to knee, and back legs to hock, clipped.
8. It is recommended that the animals are not to have been body clipped or top line fitted for at least 2 weeks prior to the contest.
9. No talking or outside help.

10. Exhibitor is responsible for securing their own grooming chute.
11. Exhibitor will be allowed one person in the ring to hold the animal.
12. All equipment used in the contest must be in show ring before contest starts.
13. Exhibitor will not be allowed to leave the show ring once the contest starts.
14. Exhibitor will have one hour to body clip and do a top line on their animal.

Class | Premiums – $20, 19, 18, 17, 16, 14, 12, 10, all others $5

1. Senior Exhibitors
2. Intermediate Exhibitors
3. Junior Exhibitors
4. Grand Champion – Rosette
5. Reserve Grand Champ – Rosette


1. See Health Regulations on this webpage.
2. Exhibitors may show and sell only one beef.
3. When on exhibition in the ring, each animal must be under halter and in charge of owner or owner’s representative.
4. Animals need to show evidence of training. Exhibitors may be excused from the ring when, at the discretion of the committee, it is evident that he/she is unable to control an animal in the ring by requiring assistance more than once.
5. Order of judging: Showmanship, Market & Breeding, Fit-out.
6. All animals, both breeding and market, shall only be washed, dried and clipped prior to the show. Any additional fitting shall be done only for the Fitout which will be held at the end of the beef show.


  1. All heifers must be tagged, owned and tag verified by a 4H leader or FFA advisor by May 1 of the current year.  Calves born from an exhibitor’s own herd after May 1 are eligible to be shown as long as the exhibitor declares by that date that they intend to show the calf. The Kutztown Fair will depend on 4H club leadership and FFA advisors to verify tagging deadlines were met.
  2. 4H or FFA exhibitors are limited to a total of 2 breeding beef project entries.
  3. Purebred heifers must be registered with their respective breed associations.  Registration papers must be presented at time of check in.
  4. See the premium book for a listing of breeding heifer classes. Any beef heifers registered with their respective breed associations not listed must be shown in the AOB (Any Other Breed) class.
  5. If a breed does not have at least 3 animals, the Livestock Superintendent has the right to move animals to the AOB class.
  6. Any animals pure bred or otherwise that do not have registration papers at the time of check in must be shown in the Commercial class.

NOTE: Classification and premiums listed are to apply to each of these breeds:
1. Angus

2. Charolais / Charolais Composite
3. Hereford
4. Main Anjou / Maintainer
5. Shorthorn / Shorthorn Plus
6. Simmetal / Sim Solution / Sim Angus
7. Limousine / Lim Flex
8. AOB (any other registered breed)
9. Commercial (unregistered cross breeds)

Class | Premiums – $12, 11, 10, 9, 8, 7, 6

1. Junior Heifer Calf – calved after Jan. 1, 2024
2. Senior Heifer Calf – calved between Sept. 1, 2023 and Dec. 31, 2023
3. Summer Yearling Heifer – calved between May 1, 2023 and Aug. 31, 2023
4. Junior Yearling Heifer – calved between Jan. 1, 2023 and Apr. 30, 2023
5. Senior Yearling Heifer – calved between Sept. 1, 2022 and Dec. 31, 2022
6. Champion Female – Rosette
7. Reserve Champion Female – Rosette
1000. Supreme Champion Female – Banner


  1. Exhibitors animal must be present for the weigh-in as scheduled.
  2. Exhibitors may show and sell only one beef in 4H or FFA.
  3. All steers must be identified by an RFID ear tag.  Steers must be tagged by March 15 of the current year.  The Kutztown Fair will depend on 4H club leadership and FFA advisors to verify tagging deadlines were met.
  4. If an exhibitors steer becomes wild, injured or dies, the exhibitor may purchase a new Kutztown Fair/Roundup steer by March 31 of the current year.
  5. Due to weight variances and weight limits, the number of classes will be set by the superintendent after the weigh-in.
  6. Animals will be divided in classes by weight, not by breed.
  7. A beef steer entered for exhibition must weigh a minimum of 1,000 pounds to be eligible for inclusion in the livestock sale on Saturday.  Steers not making the minimum weight will not be sold.

Class | Premiums – $25, 22, 20, 17, 15, 12, 10

1-3. Lightweights
4. Champion Lightweight – Rosette
5. Reserve Champion Lightweight – Rosette
6-8. Middleweights
9. Champion Middleweight – Rosette
10. Reserve Champion Middleweight – Rosette
11-13. Heavyweights
14. Champion Heavyweight – Rosette
15. Reserve Champion Heavyweight – Rosette
16. Grand Champion Steer – Rosette
17. Reserve Grand Champion Steer – Rosette


  1. 1. 4-H or FFA members may enter a steer or heifer in the fit-out and showmanship contests provided the animal has been carried as a project and is owned by the exhibitor.
  2. Exhibitors must fit his or her own animals. If an exhibitor needs assistance with the fitting of his or her animals, they can receive help from a Club/Chapter leader, a fellow Beef Club member, or a member of their family. NO OUTSIDE FITTERS ARE ALLOWED. Leaders will enforce.
  3. All animals – both breeding and market, shall ONLY be washed, dried and clipped prior to the show. Any additional fitting shall be done in the ring during the fit-out which is at the end of the show.
  4. Once the fit-out contest begins, the exhibitor may not leave the ring. All equipment must be in the ring at starting time.
  5. An outside person will be provided to help hold the tail while it is being put up.
  6. No outside help, physical or verbal, will be allowed – violators will be disqualified.
  7. Exhibitors will be allowed 1/2 hour for the fit-out.
  8. Exhibitors will be arranged according to birth date and assigned to their classes to provide for classes of approximately equal size.

Class | Premiums – $20, 19, 18, 17, 16, 14, 12, 10, 8, 6, 4

1. Fit-Out – Senior exhibitors
2. Fit-Out – Intermediate exhibitors
3. Fit-Out – Junior I exhibitors
4. Fit-Out – Junior II exhibitors
5. Grand Champion Fit-Out – Rosette
6. Reserve Champion Fit-Out – Rosette
7. Showmanship – Senior exhibitors
8. Showmanship – Intermediate exhibitors
9. Showmanship – Junior I exhibitors
10. Showmanship – Junior II exhibitors
11. Grand Champion Showman – Rosette
12. Reserve Champion Showman – Rosette


1. 4-H or FFA members may have one animal in this contest.
2. Animals will follow the weight classes from Section 202-Market Steers.

Class | Premiums – $12, 11, 10, 9, 8, 7
1. Beef Evaluation
2. Grand Champion Carcass Steer – Rosette
3. Reserve Grand Champion Carcass Steer – Rosette


  1. Exhibitor’s animal must be present for weigh-in as scheduled.
  2. Exhibitors may show and sell a total of 2 dairy beef steers as either a 4H or FFA project.
  3. All dairy beef steers must be: bull calves, born in January of the current year, be of 100% Holstein, Red & White Holstein, or Brown Swiss ancestry (no cross breeds)
  4. All dairy beef steers must be owned and in the possession of the exhibitor by February 5 of the current year.
  5. All dairy beef steers must be castrated and dehorned by March 1 of the current year.
  6. All dairy beef steers must be identified by an RFID ear tag by April 1 of the current year.
  7. The Kutztown Fair will depend on 4H club leadership and FFA advisors to verify that the deadlines for possession, castration, dehorning and tagging were met.
  8. Dairy beef entered for exhibition must weigh a minimum of 500 pounds to be eligible for inclusion in the market livestock sale.  Dairy beef steers not making the minimum weight will not be sold.
  9. Animals will be divided into classes by weight and not breed.
  10. Due to weight variances and weight limits, the number of classes will be set by the Superintendent after weigh-in.

Class | Premiums – $20, 19, 18, 16, 14, 12, 11, 10, 8

1-3. Light Weights
4. Champion Lightweight- Rosette
5. Reserved Champion Lightweight – Rosette
6-8. Medium Weights
9. Champion Medium Weight – Rosette
10. Reserved Champion Medium Weight – Rosette
11-13. Heavy Weights
14. Champion Heavyweight – Rosette
15. Reserved Champion Heavyweight – Rosette
16. Grand Champion – Rosette
17. Reserved Grand Champion – Rosette


1. 4-H or FFA members may show an animal in the fitting and showing contest provided it has been carried as a project and is owned by the exhibitor.
2. The exhibitor must show the same animal in both contests.
3. Exhibitors will be arranged according to birth date and assigned to their classes to provide for classes of approximately equal size.

Class | Premiums – $12, 11, 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1

1. Fitting – Senior I exhibitors
2. Fitting – Senior II exhibitors
3. Fitting – Intermediate I exhibitors

4. Fitting – Intermediate II exhibitors
5. Fitting – Junior I exhibitors
6. Fitting – Junior II exhibitors
7. Grand Champion – Fitting – Rosette
8. Reserve Grand Champion – Fitting – Rosette
9. Showing – Senior I exhibitors
10. Showing – Senior II exhibitors
11. Showing – Intermediate I exhibitors
12. Showing – Intermediate II exhibitors
13. Showing – Junior I exhibitors
14. Showing – Junior II exhibitors
15. Grand Champion Showman – Rosette
16. Reserve Grand Champion Showman – Rosette


See Health Regulations on this webpage.

  1. Each exhibitor is limited to a total of 10 sheep in breeding classes with no more than 2 entries in an individual class.
  2. All breeding sheep must be tagged by official USDA scrapie program tags.
  3. All breeding sheep must be registered by their respective breed associations.  Registration papers must be presented at fair check-in time.
  4. Breeding sheep must be registered in the exhibitor’s name by 30 days prior to the start of the fair

NOTE: Classifications and premiums stated are to apply to each of these breeds:

1. Baby Doll Southdown
2. Border Leicester
3. Cheviot
4. Corriedale
5. Dorper
6. Dorset
7. Hampshire
8. Natural Color
9. Romney
10. Shropshire
11. Southdown
12. Suffolk
13. Tunis
14. Lincoln
15. All Other Registered Breeds

Lambs shown in breeding classes cannot be shown in market classes or vice versa. All breeding sheep must be registered with their respective breed association and papers presented at check-in time.

Class | Premiums – $12, 11, 10, 9, 8, 7, 6

1. Senior Ram Lamb – born Sept. 1, 2022 to Dec. 31, 2022
2. Junior Ram Lamb – born on or after Jan. 1, 2024
3. Pair Ram Lambs (1 pair per exhibitor per breed)
4. Champion Ram – Rosette
5. Reserve Champion Ram – Rosette
2000. Supreme Champion Ram – Banner
6. Ewe 1 yr & under 2 – born Sept. 1, 2022 to Aug. 31, 2022
7. Pair of Yearling Ewes (1 pair per exhibitor per breed)
8. Sr Ewe Lamb – born Sept. 1, 2022 to Dec. 31, 2022
9. Jr Ewe Lamb – Born on or after Jan. 1, 2024
10. Pair of Ewe Lambs, (1 pair per exhibitor per breed)
11. Champion Ewe – Rosette
12. Reserve Champion Ewe – Rosette
2001. Supreme Champion Ewe – Banner
15. Breeders Young Flock (1 ram lamb and 2 ewe lambs bred and owned by the exhibitor)

  1. Exhibitor’s animal must be present for weigh-in as scheduled.
  2. Exhibitors may show and sell up to a total of 2 market lambs as either a 4H or FFA project.
  3. Market lambs can be either ewes or wethers.
  4. All market lambs must be tagged by official USDA scrapie program tags by May 31 of the current year.
  5. All male market lambs must be castrated before tagging deadline.
  6. The Kutztown Fair will depend on 4H club leadership and FFA advisors to verify tagging deadlines and castration were met.
  7. Market lambs must weigh a minimum of 80 pounds. Market lambs not meeting the minimum weight will not be shown or sold.
  8. No lambs can be shown in both the market and breeding classes.
  9. Animals will be divided into classes by weight and not breed.
  10. Due to weight variances and weight limits, the number of classes will be set by the Superintendent after weigh-in.


Class | Premiums – $12, 11, 10, 9, 8, 7, 6

1-3. Lightweights
4. Champion Lightweight – Rosette
5. Reserve Champion Lightweight – Rosette

6-8. Middleweights
9. Champion Middleweight – Rosette
10. Reserve Champion Middleweight – Rosette
11-13. Heavyweights
14. Champion Heavyweight – Rosette
15. Reserve Champion Heavyweight – Rosette
16. Grand Champion Market Lamb – Rosette
17. Reserve Grand Champion Market Lamb – Rosette


1. 4-H or FFA members may show an animal in the fitting and showmanship contest provided the animal will be shown in either breeding or market classes and is owned by the exhibitor.
2. The exhibitor must show the same animal in both contests.
3. Exhibitors will be arranged according to birth date and assigned to their classes to provide for classes of approximately equal size.

Class | Premiums – $12, 11, 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1

1. Fitting – Senior exhibitors
2. Fitting – Intermediate exhibitors
3. Fitting – Junior I exhibitors
4. Fitting – Junior II exhibitors
5. Grand Champion Fitting – Rosette
6. Reserve Champion Fitting – Rosette
7. Showmanship – Senior exhibitors
8. Showmanship – Intermediate exhibitors
9. Showmanship – Junior I exhibitors
10. Showmanship – Junior II exhibitors
11. Grand Champion Showman- Rosette
12. Reserve Champion Showman – Rosette


1. 4-H or FFA members may have one animal in this contest.
2. Animals will follow the weight classes from Section 402- Market Lambs.

Class | Premiums – $12, 11, 10, 9, 8, 7
1. Sheep Eveluation
2. Grand Champion Carcass Lamb – Rosette
3. Reserve Grand Champion Carcass Lamb – Rosette


1. This contest is open to any sheep exhibitor at the fair.
2. Contestant must provide his own animal, trimming stand and equipment.
3. The animal may be washed or a wool breed sheep, and may have belly sheared. No prior carding or trimming is permitted.
4. Judge will inspect sheep prior to the start of the contest to check for prior work. If the judge deems there has been prior work, he may disqualify the animal from the contest.
5. A “designated helper” who is not a member of the exhibitor’s family may help to control the animal on the stand.

6. Judging will be based on the improved appearance of the sheep during the one hour time period.
7. Classes will be divided into groups by age of exhibitors.

Class | Premiums – $20, 19, 18, 17, 16, 14, 12, 10, 8

1. Senior Division
2. Intermediate Division
3. Junior I Division
4. Junior II Division


See Health Regulations on this webpage.


1. Exhibitor’s animal must be present for weigh-in as scheduled.
2. Each exhibitor is limited to a total of 2 market swine as either a 4H or FFA project for the current year.
3. Market swine must be identified with an RFID ear tag by May 15 of the current year.
4. The Kutztown Fair will depend on 4H club leadership and FFA advisors to verify tagging deadlines were met.
5. Market swine can be either barrows or gilts.
6. All market swine must weigh between 220-295 pounds.
7. Any over or under weight market swine cannot be shown or sold at the livestock sale.  Over or underweight market swine must leave the fairgrounds after they are weighed as per current PA Department of Agriculture rules regarding swine fever.
8. Animals will be divided into classes by weight and not breed.
9. Due to weight variances and weight limits, the number of classes will be set by the Superintendent after weigh-in.

10. To establish uniform fitting rules, all Swine must have a minimum hair length of 3/4 inch. This will be checked at weigh-in. Animals not having hair length of at least 3⁄4” will not be allowed to show.
11. No clipping is allowed on fair premises. Any violation of this rule will result in disqualification.

Class | Premiums – $18, 16, 14, 13, 12, 11, 10, 9, 8, 7

1-3. Lightweights
4. Champion Lightweight – Rosette
5. Reserve Champion Lightweight – Rosette
6-8. Middleweights
9. Champion Middleweight – Rosette
10. Reserve Champion Middleweight – Rosette
11-13. Heavyweights
14. Champion Heavyweight – Rosette
15. Reserve Champion Heavyweight – Rosette
21. Grand Champion Market Swine – Rosette
22. Reserve Grand Champion Market Swine-Rosette


Fitting & Showmanship

1. 4-H or FFA members may show an animal in the fitting and showmanship contest provided the animal has been carried as a project and is owned by the exhibitor.
2. The exhibitor must show the same animal in both contests.
3. Exhibitors will be arranged according to birth date and assigned to their classes to provide for classes of approximately equal size. Each class will have similar numbers of participants.

Class | Premiums – $12, 11, 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1

1. Fitting – Senior I exhibitors
2. Fitting – Senior II exhibitors
3. Fitting – Intermediate I exhibitors
4. Fitting – Intermediate II exhibitors
5. Fitting – Junior I exhibitors
6. Fitting – Junior II exhibitors
7. Grand Champion Fitting – Rosette
8. Reserve Champion Fitting – Rosette
9. Showmanship – Senior I exhibitors
10. Showmanship – Senior II exhibitors
11. Showmanship – Intermediate I exhibitors
12. Showmanship – Intermediate II exhibitors
13. Showmanship – Junior I exhibitors
14. Showmanship – Junior I I exhibitors
15. Grand Champion Showman – Rosette
16. Reserve Grand Champion Showman – Rosette


1. 4-H or FFA members may have one animal in this contest.
2. Animals will follow the weight classes from Section 502-Market Swine.

Class | Premiums – $12, 11, 10, 9, 8, 7
1. Swine Evaluation
2. Grand Champion Carcass Swine – Rosette
3. Reserve Grand Champion Carcass Swine – Rosette


See Health Regulations on this webpage.

  1. Each exhibitor is limited to a total of 10 goats in breeding classes (dairy or breeding goats) with no more than 2 entries in an individual class.
  2. All breeding goats (meat or dairy) must be registered with their respective breed associations. Registration papers must be presented at fair check-in time.

1. Alpine (French, Rock and Swiss) 2. LaMancha
3. Nubian 4. Saanen
5. Toggenburg

Class | Premiums – $12, 11, 10, 8, 7, 6

1. Doe Kid Jr., born between Jan. 1 and Feb. 28 of the current year.
2. Doe Kid Jr.- late, born between Mar. 1 and April 30 of the current year.
3. Doe Kid Sr., born between Sept. 1 and Dec. 31 of the previous year.
4. Doe, 1 year old and under 2, not in milk
5. Junior Champion Doe – Rosette
6. Reserve Junior Champion Doe – Rosette
7. Doe, 1 year old and under 2, in milk
8. Doe, 2 years old and under 3
9. Doe, 3 years old and over
10. Senior Champion Doe – Rosette
11. Reserve Senior Champion Doe – Rosette
12. Grand Champion Doe – Rosette
13. Reserve Grand Champion Doe – Rosette
800. Best of Show – Banner


  1. Each exhibitor is limited to a total of 10 goats in breeding classes (dairy or breeding goats) with no more than 2 entries in an individual class.
  2. All breeding goats must be identified by official USDA scrapie program tags.
  3. Breeding meat goats may be any registered meat breed and will compete against each other in their respective classes regardless of breed.
  4. All breeding goats (meat or dairy) must be registered with their respective breed associations. Registration papers must be presented at fair check-in time.
  5. Breeding goats must be registered in the exhibitor’s name by 30 days prior to the start of the fair.
  6. No breeding goat can be shown in both breeding and market classes.
Class | Premiums – $12, 11, 10, 9, 8, 7, 6

1. Senior Buck Kid – born between Sept 1 – Dec 31 of the previous year
2. Champion Senior Buck Kid – Rosette
3. Reserve Senior Buck Kid – Rosette

4. Junior Buck Kid – Early born between Jan 1 and Feb 28 of the current year
5. Junior Buck Kid – Late Born between Mar 1 and April 30 of the Current year
6. Champion Junior Buck Kid – Rosette
7. Reserve Junior Buck Kid – Rosette
8. Champion Buck – Banner
9. Reserve Champion Buck – Rosette
10. Yearling Doe 1yr & under 2 born – 9/1/20 to 8/31/21
11. Champion Yearling Doe – Rosette
12. Reserve Champion Yearling Doe – Rosette
13. Pair of Yearling Does
14. Senior Doe Kids – born between Sept 1 and Dec 31 of the previous year
15. Junior Doe Kid – Early born between Jan 1 and Feb 28 of the current year
16. Junior Doe kid – Late born between Mar 1 and April 30 of the current year
17. Champion Doe Kid – Rosette
18. Reserve Doe Kid – Rosette
19. Pair of Doe Kids
20. Champion Doe – Banner
21. Reserve Champion Doe – Rosette


1. 4-H or FFA members may show an animal in the fitting and showing contest provided it has been entered in a type or market class and is owned by the exhibitor.
2. The exhibitor must show the same animal in both contests.
3. Exhibitors will be arranged according to birth date and assigned to their classes to provide for classes of approximately equal size.

Class | Premiums – $12, 11, 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1

1. Fitting – Senior I exhibitors
2. Fitting – Senior II exhibitors
3. Fitting – Intermediate I exhibitors

4. Fitting – Intermediate II exhibitors
5. Fitting – Junior I exhibitors
6. Fitting – Junior II exhibitors
7. Grand Champion Fitting – Rosette
8. Reserve Champion Fitting – Rosette
9. Showmanship – Senior I exhibitors
10. Showmanship – Senior II exhibitors
11. Showmanship – Intermediate I exhibitors
12. Showmanship – Intermediate II exhibitors
13. Showmanship – Junior I exhibitors
14. Showmanship – Junior II exhibitors
15. Grand Champion Showman – Rosette
16. Reserve Grand Champion Showman – Rosette


1. 4-H or FFA members may have one animal in this contest.
2. Animals will follow the weight classes from Section 602-Market Swine.

Class | Premiums – $12, 11, 10, 9, 8, 7
1. Goat Evaluation
2. Grand Champion Carcass Goat– Rosette
3. Reserve Grand Champion Carcass Goat– Rosette


  1. Exhibitor’s animal must be present for weigh-in as scheduled.
  2. Exhibitors may show and sell up to a total of 2 market goats as either a 4H or FFA project.
  3. Market goats must be born on or after December 1 of the previous year.
  4. All market goats must be identified by official USDA scrapie program tags, tattoo or microchip by May 15 of the current year.
  5. Market goats must be either does or wethers.  Castration wounds must be fully healed by June 1 of the current year.
  6. The Kutztown Fair will depend on 4H club leadership and FFA advisors to verify tagging deadlines were met.
  7. All market goats must weigh between 55 and 120 pounds.  Any market goats not meeting the weight requirements will not be allowed to be shown or included in the market livestock sale.

Class | Premiums – $18, 16,14, 12, 10, 9, 8

1-3. Light weight
4. Champion Light weight – Rosette
5. Res. Champion Light weight – Rosette
6-8. Middleweights
9. Champion Middleweight – Rosette
10. Res. Champion Middleweight – Rosette
11-13. Heavyweights
14. Champion Heavyweight – Rosette
15. Res. Champion Heavyweight – Rosette
16-18. Heavy Heavyweights
19. Champion Heavy Heavyweight – Rosette
20. Res. Champion Heavy Heavyweight – Rosette
21.  Grand Champ Market Goat – Trophy & Rosette
22. Res. Grand Champ. Market Goat – Rosette


This contest is open to the champion showman in each species of livestock shown. It is desirable to have all species of livestock represented. However, if for some reason the champion of a species is unable to participate, that species will not be represented.

The contestants will rotate among all the species of livestock presented in the ring at the appointed time of the contest. The individuals will be scored on their showmanship of each species and the scores will then be totaled to determine the winner.

Overall Champion Showman- Rosette
Overall Reserve Champion Showman- Rosette

4-H OR FFA PRODUCE - moved to Dept 11 - Open Youth


4-H or FFA TEXTILE SCIENCE - moved to Dept 11 - Open Youth


Loretta Sterner | 610 683 6703

Pre-registration is recommended using the General Entry form on the website.

1. 4-H and Agriculture Education from Berks and Lehigh counties are invited to participate in this Educational Exhibit.
2. All materials shall be prepared and set up by the youth.
3. Electric current will be available to each exhibitor for lights and small motors of large displays.
4. Each exhibit shall be under the direction of the department chairperson but in no case will she or the Fair Board be responsible for any loss or damage that may occur.
5. Each exhibit should have a central theme portraying some important feature of 4-H project work or Agriculture Education. It should be so well planned and labeled that the public will readily understand that it represents the teaching of Agriculture.


1. Purpose is to portray a story about exhibitor’s County 4-H work and convey to the viewer something he or she didn’t know before viewing the exhibit.

(1) Animal Science – Rabbits, Guinea Pigs, Pigeons, Dogs, Hamster, Horse, Dairy Cattle, Beef, Sheep, Swine, Pet Care, etc.
(2) Science – Embryology, Bees, Reptiles, Plant Science, Veterinary Science, Photography, Geology, Entomology
(3) Engineering – Bicycle, Small Engines, Automotive, Tractor, Rocketry, Electronics, Woodworking, etc.
(4) Environmental Education-climate, soil, plant, animal, forestry, and marine, social or cultural effect on human life
(5) Clothing
(6) Foods and Nutrition
(7) Home and Family Living – Baby-sitting, Generation Celebration, Kids in Control, etc.
(8) Home Related Arts & Crafts – Baskets, Macrame, Quilting, Leather craft
(9) General – Careers, Citizenship, Health, Leadership, etc.

Class | Premiums – $10, $8, $6, $5, $4

101-109. Individual (3 ft. x 3 ft. x 3 ft.)

Class | Premiums – $3.00, 2.50, 2.00, 1.00

201. Club (6 ft. x 3 ft. x 3 ft.)

Note: For 4-H Landscape Display see Class 403 in Sec. 960


Class | Premiums – $10, $8, $6, $5, $4

301-309. Individual – 3 ft. x 3 ft. x 3 ft.
individual categories as listed under 950

Class | Premiums - $150, 100, 90, 80, 70, 60

401. Vocational Exhibits - approximately 4’ x 10’ x 6’
402. Horticultural Exhibits
403. 4-H and FFA Landscape Displays


18 & under as of August 1 current fair year)

Department Chair - Ginger Schappell | 610-223-4887

1. Preregistration is recommended using the General Entry form on the website.
2. Entrants with more than ten items must register by mail.
3. Department 11 is open to youth up to age 18 by August 1 of the current fair year.
4.Those age 19 and older shall enter in the respective adult department.



Please put age as of August 1 of the current year, on your entry form.
Pre-registration is recommended using the General Entry form on the website.
Exhibits must be grown by the exhibitor.
No specific Age Groups for this section.

Class | Premiums - $4.00, 3.00, 2.00

CORN EARS – 6 ears, uniform in size
1. Hybrid Field, white or yellow
2. Indian (colored)
3. Popcorn,

CORN STALKS – (3 stalks)
4. Field
5. Silage

HAY – (8” thick bale section) current year crop ONLY.
6. Alfalfa
7. Grass,

8. STRAW – 8” bale section
9. SUNFLOWER, 1 head

Grain - 1  jar - pint or quart

10. Oats
11. Wheat
12. Barley
13. Miscellaneous
14. Soybean
15. Sunflower Seeds
16. Winter Triticale
17. Any other



Please put age as of August 1 of the current year, on your entry form.
Pre-registration is recommended using the General Entry form on the website.
Exhibits must be grown by the exhibitor
No specific Age Groups for this section.

Class | Premiums - $4.00, 3.00, 2.00

1. BEANS, Green (10) – any variety
2. BEANS, Lima (10) – in pod, any variety
3. BEETS, Topped (3)
4. BROCCOLI (1 head)
5. CABBAGE (1), any variety.
6. CARROTS (5), topped.
7. CAULIFLOWER (1 head)
8. CORN, SWEET (5- in husks)
9. CUCUMBERS (5), any variety
10. EGGPLANT (1)
11. PARSLEY (3 bunches)
12.BASIL (3 bunches)
13. DILL (3 bunches)
14. POTATOES (5), any variety
15. ONIONS, bulbs (5) – any variety

16. Bell (5), any color
17. Hot (5), any variety

18. PUMPKINS (1) – any variety

19. SQUASH, SUMMER (1) – any of the following types
(crook neck, patty pan, zucchini)

20. SQUASH, WINTER (1) – any
(Acorn, Butternut, Hubbard, Mammoth, Veggie, Spaghetti, Any other)

21. Large (5), any
22. Small (10), any

GOURDS – 3 same
24. GOURDS – 3 mixed

26. ANY OTHER VEGETABLE (1) - worthy of exhibition

(5 or more kinds of vegetables attractively displayed)
Premium - $5.00, 4.00, 3.00

(10 or more kinds of vegetables attractively displayed)
Premium - $8.00, 7.00, 6.00



Please put age as of August 1 of the current year, on your entry form.
Pre-registration is recommended using the General Entry form on the website.
Exhibits must be grown by the exhibitor.
No specific Age Groups for this section.
Class - Premiums - $4.00, 3.00, 2.00


1.Strawberry Plant (1 plant in soil)
2. Raspberry Plant (1 stalk in soil)
3. Muskmelon (1)
4. Watermelon (1)
5. Honeydew Melon (1)
6. Any Other Fruit (1)



Please put age as of August 1 of the current year, on your entry form.
Pre-registration is recommended using the General Entry form on the website.
Exhibits must be cut flowers, grown by the exhibitor.
Exhibits must be displayed in a container provided by the exhibitor.
Exhibits must conform to the number of blooms, spikes, or stems specified in each class.
No specific Age Groups for this section.
Class - Premiums - $4.00, 3.00, 2.00



  1. Asters, 6 blooms.
  2. Calendula, 6 blooms.
  3. Cosmos, 6 blooms.
  4. Dahlia, 1 bloom.
  5. Gladioli, 1 spike.
  6. Marigold, 6 blooms.
  7. Pansy, 6 blooms.
  8. Petunia, 6 blooms.
  9. Snapdragon, 3 spikes
  10. Strawflower, 6 blooms.
  11. Zinnia, 3 blooms, any variety
  12. Any other Annual, 1 bloom.


  1. Dianthus, 3 blooms
  2. Chrysanthemums, 3 blooms
  3. Roses, 3 blooms
  4. Salvia, 3 blooms
  5. Any Other Perennial, 3 blooms


  1. Begonias
  2. Cacti
  3. Ferns
  4. Geranium
  5. Philodendron
  6. Hanging Basket
  7. Dish Garden
  8. Fairy Garden
  9. Terrarium
  10. Any Other Foliage Plant

Miniature arrangement – not to exceed 12”x 12”

Age Groups:
3 - 7 years old - Classes 140 - 141
8 - 13 years old - Classes 240 - 241
14 - 18 years old - Classes 340 - 341

140/240/340 - Wildflower
141/241/341 - Domestic arrangements of annuals and/or perennials

BEST OF SHOW - Sections: 107 – 110
   Best individual entry of sections 107-110

Prize – Rosette Ribbon



Please put age as of August 1 of the current year, on your entry form.
Pre-registration is recommended using the General Entry form on the website.
Each article must be made within the current year.
Please state youth's age as of August 1 of current year on entry form.
Article should be hung on swivel hanger.

Section 111 Age Groups:
3 - 7 years old - Classes 101 - 127
Class - Premiums - $4.00, 3.00, 2.00

8 - 13 years old - Classes 201 - 227
Class - Premiums - $6.00, 5.00, 4.00

14 - 18 years old - Classes 301 - 327
Class - Premiums - $8.00, 7.00, 6.00


SEW MUCH FUN – can be Knitted, Crotched or Sewn

101/201/310 - Doll Clothes
102/202/302 - Pillow
103/203/303 - Pillowcase
104/204/304 - Potholder
105/205/305 - Toy
106/206/306 - Tote or Backpack
107/207/307 - Other (not a garment)

SEW MUCH MORE - can be Knitted, Crocheted or Sewn

120/220/320 - Top
121/221/321 - Pajamas
122/222/322 - Dress, any fabric.
123/223/323 - Dress, formal.
124/224/324 - Jacket
125/225/325 - Slacks or Shorts
126/226/326 - Skirt
127/227/327 - Any Other Garment

BEST OF SHOW - Section: 111
Best individual entry of section 111

Prize – Rosette Ribbon




Please put age on August 1 of the current year on your entry form.
Pre-registration is recommended using the General Entry form on the website.
Will be judged on flavor, lightness, general appearance, and crumb.
Pies are to be judged on texture of crust, as well as flavor and consistency of filling.
All products will be sold after judging in Scholarship Baking Auction Monday evening of the Fair.
No specific Age Groups for this section.

Class | Premiums - $5.00, 4.00, 3.00


1. Chocolate
2. White
3. Yellow
4. Angel Food
5. Any other

CANDY (6-8 pieces)
10. Butter Cream
11. Brittle
12. Chocolate Coated
13. Other

CUPCAKES, ICED (Plate of 6)
20. White
21. Yellow
22. Chocolate
23. Other (need not be iced)

COOKIES (6 pieces)
31. Dropped
32. Pressed
33. Sliced
34. Bar
35. Rolled
36. Other

FUDGE (8 to 10 – 1” pieces)
40. Chocolate Fudge
41. Light Fudge
42. Any Other

45. Fruit
46. Any other


BEST OF SHOW - Sections: 112
   Best individual entry of sections 112

Prize – Rosette Ribbon




Please put age on August 1 of the current year on your entry form.
Pre-registration is recommended using the General Entry form on the website.
Every care will be taken to protect the articles exhibited from all injury, however, the fair will not in any way hold itself responsible for accidents, loss or damage by water, fire, theft or otherwise.
All articles must have been made by the exhibitor in the past year.
Only one entry per exhibitor per class is allowed.
No article can compete in more than one class.
All photographs in the youth classes must be 5”x7” prints only. No matting, mounting, nor framing. (Entries will be inserted in plastic sleeves for display and judging.)

Age Groups:
3 - 7 years old -  Classes - 101 - 113
8 - 13 years old - Classes - 201 - 213
14 - 18 years old - Classes - 301 - 313

Class | Premiums – $6.00, 4.00, 2.00


101/201/301 - Oil/Acrylic
102/202/302 - Watercolor
103/203/303 - Pencil/crayon drawing
104/204/304 - Photographs B/W, living creatures.
105/205/305 - Photographs B/W, misc.
106/206/306 - Photographs color, living creatures.
107/207/307 - Photographs color, misc.
108/207/307 - Jewelry – any type
109/209/309 - Diamond Art, custom
110/210/310 - Diamond Art, kit
111/211/311 - Handprint /Footprint / Fingerprint Art
112/212/313 - Stick to it! – Use stickers to create a picture
113/213/313 - Origami / paper art -  “Harvesting Happiness," fair theme, project!
114/214/314 - Ceramics - any type
115/215/315 - Misc. Handcrafts

BEST OF SHOW - Section: 113
   Best individual entry of section 113

Prize – Rosette Ribbon



Department Chair - Kristen Schappell

Pre-registration is recommended using the General Entry form on the website.
Each contestant shall decorate a piece of fruit, veg. or pumpkin to be judged in one of the listed classes.
Each contestant is limited to one entry per class.
Contestants are encouraged to be creative in the design and selection of the decorating materials.
Judging will be done in three age groups in each of the classes.

Age Groups:
3 – 6 years – Classes 101 - 103
7 - 10 years – Classes 201 - 203
11 – 14 years – Classes 301 - 303

Class - Premiums - $8.00, 7.00, 6.00


101/201/301 – Monsters
102/202/302 – Animals
103/203/303 - Vehicles



The 2024 Kutztown Fair theme "HARVESTING HAPPINESS”
Department Chair - Kristen Schappell

Pre-registration is recommended using the General Entry form on the website.

Each contestant shall use a maximum of 100 Legos, or similar building blocks, to create a unique design. Entries will be judged based on originality and how well it relates to the theme of “HARVESTING HAPPINESS.”
One entry per person.
Sculptures may contain any size/shape blocks and must be limited to a count of 100 pieces. Entries must be presented on a platform/board for stability and this piece does not count as one of the 100 pieces.
No materials other than the 100 building blocks and the support platform, may be used in the entry.

Class - Premiums - $8.00, 7.00, 6.00

101 -  3 – 7 years
102 – 8 – 13 years
103 – 14 – 18 years



(Open Class)

Pre-registration is recommended using the General Entry form on the website.


1. One quart glass jars with lids are to be used to show grain in class 3 – 6.
2. One entry per variety per exhibitor.
3. Entries in the corn classes shall be from previous fall’s crop.

Class | Premiums – $5.00, 4.00, 3.00

101. Field Corn, Hybrid White – 6 ears
102. Field Corn, Hybrid Yellow – 6 ears
103. Field Corn, Open Pollinated White – 6 ears
104. Field Corn, Open Pollinated Yellow – 6 ears
105. Field Corn, Open Pollinated Red – 6 ears

106. Indian Corn, large – 6 ears
107. Indian Corn, mini or ornamental – 6 ears
108. Pop Corn, White – 6 ears
109. Pop Corn, Yellow – 6 ears
110. Pop Corn, Strawberry or Ornamental – 6 ears
111. Field Corn – 3 stalks
112. Silage Corn – 3 stalks


201. Sunflower – 1 head


301. Winter Oats


401. Soft Red Winter Wheat
402. Hard Red Winter Wheat


501. Winter
502. Winter Malting
503. Spring
504. Any other


601. Buckwheat
602. Red Clover Seed
603. Rye
604. Soybean
605. Sunflower Seeds
606. Winter Triticale
607. Any other


Class | Premiums – $5.00, 4.00, 3.00

1. Long hay only. An exhibit shall consist of a bale section at least 8 inches thick.

101. Alfalfa or alfalfa-grass mixed, first cutting. Not over 50% of grasses
102. Alfalfa or alfalfa-grass mixed, later cuttings. Not over 50% of grasses
103. Other legumes or legume-grass mixtures. Not over 50% of grasses
104. Grass, first cutting. Mixtures of timothy and/or other grasses and containing not more than 10% legumes.
105. Grass, second cutting. Mixtures of timothy and/or other grasses and containing not more than 10% legumes.
106. Mixed Hay – any mixture not classified in the previous classes but which contains 50% or more, singly or in combination, of alfalfa, timothy, clover, and grasses.
107. Summer annual grasses – Sudan grass, Sorghum, Sudan hybrids, etc.


Class | Premiums – $5.00, 4.00, 3.00

1. An exhibit shall consist of a bale section at least 8 inches thick.

101. Barley
102. Oats
103. Rye
104. Wheat

BEST OF SHOW … Rosette

(Best individual entry of Department 12)

All entries in Dept. 12 will be considered for Best of Show


Sherrie Krick

SECTION 101 (Open Class)

Pre-registration is recommended using the General Entry form on the website.

1. In selecting vegetables for exhibition, choose such specimens that would bring the highest market price. Do not select the largest; select medium size specimens. If at all possible, do not mix varieties.
2. The following factors are generally used by an expert vegetable judge.

a. Trueness to variety type. If at all possible, pick the specimens from one variety.
b. Uniformity in shape, size, and color.
c. Be sure to pick out a perfect specimen, then select the others as similar to it as possible. Never mix specimens of different maturity.
d. Protect from dirt, disease, infection, and mechanical damage. Select specimens that are perfect and show no blemishes of any kind.
e. Condition and maturity. Be sure that exhibits are of high quality.
f. Potatoes should be washed.
g. Tomatoes should have stems removed. Carrots, beets, etc should have tops (leaves) removed from the vegetables leaving about (2) two inches of stems.
h. Herbs - Submitted in water in clear container. Remove leaves below water level.

3. Read premium material, carefully following all rules and regulations. If an entry calls for five specimens, be sure to exhibit that number; do not enter four or six. In any instance, your exhibits will be disqualified if the correct number of specimens is not entered.

Class | Premiums - $5.00, 4.00, 3.00


1. Edible Soybeans
2. Horticultural
3. Kidney
4. Lima
5. Marrowfat


10. Large seeded
11. Small seeded
12. Flat green pods
13. Flat wax pods
14. Round green pods
15. Round wax pods
16. Other

BEETS – 5 specimens, topped

21. Globe shaped
22. Half long
23. Long Lutz types
24. Mangels

30. BROCCOLI – 1 large head
40. BRUSSELS SPROUTS – (1 pint)

CABBAGE – 1 head

51. Chinese type
52. Early pointed
53. Domestic round
54. Flat types
55. Red types
56. Savoy types

CARROTS – 5 roots, topped

60. Half long (pointed)
61. Half long (stump rooted)
62. Long

70. CAULIFLOWER – 1 head
CORN, SWEET – 5 ears (husks on)

80. White hybrids
81. Yellow hybrids
82. Other types


91. Pickling (under 3”) 10 specimens
92. Pickles (3” to 5”) 5 specimens
93. Slicing (over 5”) 5 specimens
94. Burp less

100. EGGPLANT – 1 specimen
110. GARLIC – 1 bulb
GOURDS – 6 or more (plate only)

120. 6 of one variety
121. 6 mixed kinds

HERBS – 3 bunches uniform in size

130. Basil
131. Chives
132. Dill
133. Mint

134. Parsley, curly
135. Parsley, flat
136. Rosemary
137. Sage
138. Thyme
139. Other

140. HORSERADISH – 3 roots (1” min. dia.)
150. KALE – 1 plant in soil
160. KOHLRABI – 1 specimen
170. LEEK – 5 stalks

LETTUCE – 1 plant in soil

180. Butter head type
181. Crisp head type
182. Leaf types

MUSKMELONS (Cantaloupes) – 1 specimen

191. Large types (6” or more)
192. Small types

200. OKRA – 5 specimens

ONIONS, BULB – mature for storage (5 specimens)

201. Bottle
202. Red flat
203. Red globe
204. Sweet Spanish

205. White flat
206. White Globe
207. Yellow flat
208. Yellow globe
209. Shallot

ONION BULBING – 4 specimens

220. Green bunching

ONION SETS – mature for storage, 1 pint

230. Multiplier
231. Red
232. White
233. Yellow

240. PARSNIPS – 5 specimens, tops off
PEAS – 1 pint

250. Green shelled
251. Pods

PEPPERS, HOT – 5 specimens

260. Long type
261. Round type
262. Small type Jalapeno
263. Other small type


270. Green
271. Red
272. Yellow
273. Other


280. Green
281. Red
282. Yellow

POTATOES – 5 tubers

290. Chippewa
291. Irish Cobbler
292. Katahdin
293. Kennebec
294. Norland

295. Lehigh
296. Russet – Rural
297. Sebago
298. Superior
299. Yukon Gold
300. Any other

301. POTATOES, SWEET – 5 specimens
PUMPKINS – 1 specimen

310. Connecticut (field)
311. Small sugar (pie)
312. Winter neck

RADISHES, summer – 5 specimens

320. Small Round
321. White icicle

330. RHUBARB – Any variety – 5 stalks tied together
340. RUTABAGAS – Any variety – 5 specimens, topped

SQUASH (SUMMER TYPES) – 1 specimen

350. Patty Pan
351. Cocozelle
352. Crookneck
353. Straightneck
354. Zucchini


360. Acorn – Table Queen
361. Buttercup
362. Butternut
363. Hubbard
364. Mammoth – Sweet types
365. Spaghetti

370. SQUASH OR PUMPKIN – Largest Specimen

(Note – Must specify weight)

371. SWISS CHARD – Any variety – 1 stalk in soil


381. Italian
382. Pink
383. Red
384. Yellow


391. Cherry, Red – 10 specimens
392. Cherry, Yellow – 10 specimens
393. Cherry, Other – 10 specimens
394. Pear shaped, red – 10 specimens
395. Pear shaped, yellow -10 specimens
396. Plum shaped – 10 specimens
397. Grape Tomato – 10 specimens

400. TURNIPS – 5 specimens
410. WATERCRESS – Any variety – 1 bunch in water

WATERMELONS – 1 specimen

421. Midget types
422. Oblong in shape
423. Round or Oval
424. Large specimen
(must specify weight)


Note: Decorated fruits and vegetables can be entered in Dept. 22

500. MARKET BASKET – $8.00,6.00, 4.00

5 or more kinds of vegetables attractively displayed

501. HOME GARDEN – $10.00, 8.00, 6.00

10 or more kinds of vegetables attractively displayed

BEST OF SHOW … Rosette

(Best individual entry of Department 13)

All entries in Dept. 13 will be considered for Best of Show


Sherrie Krick

(Open Class)

Pre-registration is recommended using the General Entry form on the website.

1. In selecting fruit for exhibition, choose specimens that would bring the highest price. Do not select the largest. Select the medium size. In plate displays, select five specimens as nearly alike as possible.
2. The following score card is to be used as a basis for the judging of all exhibits:
Form (natural shape of variety) ……… 10 points
Size (medium of variety) ……………….. 15 points
Color …………………………………………… 20 points
Uniformity …………………………………. 25 points
Freedom from blemish …………….. 30 points
Total ………………………………………… 100 points

3. Each exhibitor must designate the particular premium for which he is competing in special classes and see that the packages are properly tagged. Single specimens may not be considered or shown in variety classes.
4. Premiums will be awarded only when the exhibit complies with the standard, is meritorious and is properly named.
5. One entry per variety.

Class | Premiums – $5.00, 4.00, 3.00




101. Cortland
102. Delicious
103. Golden
104. Golden Delicious
105. Grimes Golden
106. Jonathan
107. McIntosh
108. Rome
109. Stayman
110. Summer Rambo
111. Yellow Transparent
112. York
113. Winesap
114. Dbl. Red Delicious
115. Red Stayman
116. Red Beauty
117. Miscellaneous


201. Baldwin
202. Beacon
203. Ida Red
204. Lodi
205. Macoun
206. Northern Spy
207. Opalescent
208 Ruby
209. Smoke House
210. Spartan
211. Spigold
212. Crab-apple
213. Followater
214. Paragon
215. Misc.

APRICOTS (Plate of 5)

301. Benmore
302. Gabriel
303. Harrowblush
304. Perfection
305. Vulcam
306. Other

PEACHES (Plate of 5)

401. Belle of Georgia
402. Elberta
403. Golden Jubilee
404. Halehaven
405. J. H. Hale
406. Redhaven

407. Redskin
408. Rio oso Gem
409. Sunhigh
410. Trirogem
411. Any other

NECTARINES (Plate of 5)

452. Yellow

PEARS (Plate of 5)

501. Anjou
502. Bartlett
503. Bosc
504. Duchess
505. Gorham
506. Grand Champion

507. Keiffer
508. Lecomte
509. Seckel
510. Sheldon
511. Winter Nellis
512. Clapp’s Favorite
513. Any other variety

PLUOT (Plate of 5)

601. Flavor Grenade
602. Dapple Dandy
603. Flavor King
604. Other

PLUMS (Plate of 5)

651. Abundance
652. Albion
653. Blue Damson
654. Burbank
655. Elephant Heart
656. German Prune

657. Green Gage
658. Italian Prune
659. Red Egg
610. Santa Rosa
611. Shiro
612. Stanley Prune
613. Yellow Egg
614. Any other variety

QUINCES (Plate of 5)

701. Apple
702. Champion
703. Orange

720. PERSIMMON (Plate of 5)
730. PAW PAWS (Plate of 5)

BERRIES (Plate of 20 specimens)

741. Blackberry
742. Blueberry
743. Current
744. Dewberry
745. Elderberry (2 bunches)
746. Gooseberry

748. Raspberry, Black
749. Raspberry, red
750. Raspberry, other
747. Ground Cherry
751. Strawberry
752. Other

GRAPES (Two bunches on plate)

801. Agawam
802. Brighton
803. Caco Early
804. Captivator
805. Catawba
806. Chessalas

807. Chicken
808. Concord
809. Delaware
810. Diamond variety

811. Diana
812. Fox
813. Fredonia
814. Moore’s Early

815. Muscatel
816. Niagara
817. Ontario
818. Portland

819. White
820. Worden
821. Any other


NUTS (10 on a plate)

Note: Nuts must be from last year’s growing season

1. Black Walnuts
2. English Walnuts
3. Butternuts
4. Hazelnuts

5. Peanuts
6. Pecans
7. Chestnuts

8. Shag Bark Hickories
9. All other Hickories
10. Any others

BEST OF SHOW … Rosette

(Best individual entry of Department 14)

All entries in Dept. 14 will be considered for Best of Show


Department Head - Ginger Schappell | 610-223-4887

(Open Class)

Pre-registration is recommended using the General Entry form on the website.


1. To be judged on flavor, lightness, general appearance and crumb.
2. Pies are to be judged on texture of crust, as well as flavor and consistency of filling.
3. All products will be sold after judging.

Class | Premiums - $5.00, 4.00, 3.00

QUICK BREADS – standard size unless otherwise indicated

1. Baking Powder Biscuits, 6 pieces
2. Corn Bread, 4 pieces approx. 2 1/2” x 3”
3. Muffins, 6 pieces
4. Nut or Fruit Bread

YEAST BREADS – 1 loaf, approximately 4”x8”x5” (In a plastic bag)

11. Raisin
12. Rye
13. White
14. Whole Wheat

DONUTS (6 pieces)

21. Fasnacht
22. Glazed
23. Filled
24. Other Popular Kinds

ROLLS (6 pieces)

31. Cinnamon (sticky)
32. White
33. Whole Wheat
34. Parkerhouse
35. Basket of fancy rolls, at least 3 different shapes


41. Chocolate
42. White
43. Yellow
44. Spice
45. Any other

CUPCAKES, ICED (Plate of 6)

51. White
52. Yellow
53. Chocolate
54. Other (need not be iced)


61. Angel Food
62. Chiffon
63. Sponge
64. Pound Cake and others

FUDGE (8 to 10 – 1” pieces)

67. Chocolate Fudge
68. Light Fudge
69. Any Other

CANDY (6-8 pieces)

71. Butter Cream
72. Brittle
73. Chocolate coated
74. Other

COOKIES (6 pieces)

81. Dropped
82. Filled
83. Pressed
84. Sliced
85. Bar
86. Rolled


91. Fruit
92. Shoo-fly
93. Any other


101. Any kind


Ginger Schappell | 610-223-4887


Premiums - $25, 20, 15

Sponsored by the PA Dept. of Agriculture, and the PA State Assoc. of County Fairs

  1. Exhibits must be entered between 9:00 A.M. and 11:00 A.M. Monday of the fair.
  2. Open to any individual amateur baker who is a Pennsylvania resident. One entry per person.
  3. Entrants may NOT have won 1st place in this Blue Ribbon Apple Pie contest at any other fair in 2025.
  4. Entry must be a pie that must include at least 60% apples in the filling. It does not need to be a “traditional” two crusted apple pie and it can have a variety of fillings. All ingredients and decorations must be edible.
  5. The entire pie must be submitted for judging in a food safe disposable pie pan. (All pans, plates and dishes are considered to be disposable and will not be returned.)
  6. The recipe for the pie and pie crust must be submitted with the entry. It should be submitted on one side of 8 ½” by 11” paper. The recipe must list all the ingredients, quantities, and the preparation instructions. Entrant’s name, address and phone number must be printed on the back side of all the pages. (All recipes and pies will become the property of the Fair or PA Farm Show and will not be returned.)
  7. Refrigeration is not available at the Fair or PA Farm Show. Entries that require refrigeration after baking must indicate so in the recipe. Those entries will not be sold, auctioned or otherwise distributed for consumption after judging for food safety reasons.

(First place winner is eligible to enter the 2026 PA Farm Show competition where the premiums are $500, $250, $100, Ribbon, Ribbon)

Flavor 30 pts.
Filling: Consistency, doneness, moistness and flavor 25 pts.
Crust: color, flavor, texture, doneness 20 pts.
Overall appearance 15 pts.


DECORATED CAKE CONTEST - 154th Kutztown Fair  - "Barn to be Wild” theme - Class 2

Premiums - $25, 20, 15



  1. Exhibits must be entered between 9:00 A.M. and 11:00 A.M. Monday of the fair.
  2. Entry must be decorated with the “KUTZTOWN FAIR - 154th "Barn to be Wild" theme. Be creative!
  3. Only one entry per contestant.
  4. The entry must be submitted for judging on cardboard. Refrigeration is not available at the fair.
Flavor 30 pts.
Overall appearance 30 pts.
Creativity (based on theme) 40 pts.




Premiums - $25, 20, 15

  1. Exhibits must be entered between 9:00 A.M. and 11:00 A.M. on Monday of the fair.
  2. Open to any individual amateur baker who is a Pennsylvania resident. One entry per person.
  3. Entrants may NOT have won 1st place in this Homemade Chocolate Cake contest at any other fair in 2025
  4. Entry must be a layered chocolate cake made from "scratch". Pre-made mixes are not acceptable ingredients. All ingredients and decorations must be edible.
  5. Entry must be frosted and frosting must be made from “scratch”.
  6. Cake recipe must feature chocolate or cocoa as a main ingredient.
  7. The entire cake entry must be submitted for judging on cardboard or other food safe disposable setting. (All pans, plates and dishes are considered to be disposable and will not be returned.)
  8. Recipes must be submitted with the entry, printed on one side of 8-1/2” x 11” paper. Recipe must list all ingredients, quantities, and the preparation instructions. Entrant’s name, address and phone number must be printed on the back side of all the pages. (All recipes and cakes will become the property of the Fair or PA Farm Show and will not be returned.)
  9. Refrigeration is not available at the fair or PA Farm Show. Entries that require refrigeration after baking must indicate so in the recipe. Those entries will not be sold, auctioned or otherwise distributed for consumption after judging for food safety reasons.

( First Place Winner is eligible for the 2026 PA Farm Show Competition where the premiums are $500, $250, $100, Rosette, and Rosette)

Flavor (aroma, taste, good balance of flavorings) 30 pts.
Texture (moist and tender crumb, not soggy or dry) 25 pts.
Inside Characteristics (even grain, evenly baked, free from air pockets) 20 pts.
Outside Characteristics (consistent shape/size/surface, overall appeal) 15 pts.
Frosting (taste, texture, even color) 10 pts.




Premiums - $20, 15, 10

  1. Exhibits must be entered between 9:00 A.M. and 11:00 A.M. Monday of the fair.
  2. Open to any individual amateur baker (ages 8 through 18 at the time of the fair’s contest) who is a Pennsylvania resident. One entry per person.
  3. Entrants may NOT have won 1st place in this PA Preferred® Junior Baking contest at any other fair in 2025.
  4. Entry must be six (6) individual sized portions of the baked entry item.
  5. Entries must be made from scratch. Pre made mixes are not acceptable ingredients. All ingredients and decorations must be edible.
  6. At least two (2) PA Preferred® or locally produced ingredients must be used in the recipe. Some examples of qualifying ingredients are PA Preferred® grains (such as oats or flour), butter, milk, eggs, fruits and/or vegetables.
  7. A PA Preferred® logo is not required because not all PA Preferred® products carry the label. The name of the ingredient and the source is sufficient. For a list of acceptable products visit papreferred.com. Additionally, PA Preferred® staff will assist in locating PA Preferred® ingredients, as needed.
  8. Entry must be submitted for judging on a food safe disposable setting. (All pans, plates and dishes are considered to be disposable and will not be returned.)
  9. Recipe(s) must be submitted with the entry, printed on one side of 8-1/2” x 11” paper. Recipe must list all ingredients, quantities, and the preparation instructions. The name of each PA Preferred® ingredient must be clearly listed clearly along with the source that made/grew it (ex: PA Preferred Milk – Galliker’s brand). Entrant’s name, age, address and phone number must be printed on the back side of all the pages. (All recipes and cookiesbrownies-bars will become the property of the Fair or PA Farm Show and will not be returned.)

( First Place Winner is eligible for the 2026 PA Farm Show Competition where the premiums are $500, $250, $100, Rosette, and Rosette)

Flavor (aroma, taste, good balance of flavorings) 30 pts.
Texture (appropriate for the type of cookie, brownie, or bar) 25 pts.
Inside Characteristics (even grain, evenly baked, free from air pockets) 20 pts.
Outside Characteristics (uniform size, shape, appearance; overall appeal) 15 pts.
Creativity 10 pts.





Premiums - $25, $15, and $10

Sponsors: Pennsylvania’s Egg Farmers & PA State Association of County Fairs

  1. Exhibits must be entered between 9:00 A.M. and 11:00 A.M. Monday of the fair.
  2. Open to any individual amateur baker who is a Pennsylvania resident. One entry per person.
  3. Entrants may NOT have won 1st place in this Angel Food Cake contest at any other fair in 2025.
  4. The Cake and any Fillings and Frostings must be made from scratch with edible ingredients.   No pre-packaged ingredient may be used (ex: no pre-made mixes, cookie dough, pie crust, frosting, etc).
  5. Any Decorations must just be edible, not made from scratch.
  6. The recipe shall include eggs that were produced in Pennsylvania if possible.
  7. The entire cake entry must be submitted for judging on cardboard or other food safe disposable setting. (All pans, plates and dishes are considered to be disposable and will not be returned.)
  8. Recipe(s) listing the ingredients and the preparation instructions must be submitted with the entry (printed on one-side of 8-1/2" x 11" size paper). Entrant’s name, address and phone number must be printed on the back of all the pages. (All recipes and cakes will become the property of the Fair or PA Farm Show and will not be returned.)
  9. Refrigeration is NOT available at the Fair or PA Farm Show. Entries that require refrigeration after baking must indicate so in the recipe. Those entries will not be sold, auctioned, or otherwise distributed for consumption after judging for food safety reasons.
  10. Judging will be based on the following criteria:

(First place winner is eligible for the 2026 Farm Show competition where prizes are $500, $250, and $100, Ribbon, Ribbon)

Flavor (smell, taste, flavoring) 30 pts.
Inside characteristics (texture & lightness) 25 pts.
Overall appearance (surface, size, color) 20 pts.
Creativity 15 pts.
Topping, icing or decoration 10 pts.


Class 3 and 4 are sponsored by the PA State Association. of County Fairs.
Class 4 is co-sponsored by the PA Dept. of Agriculture’s “PA Preferred®” program.

Look for the blue and yellow “PA Preferred®” logo on ingredient packaging to ensure the product was produced in Pennsylvania. Visit www.papreferred.com to find “PA Preferred®” products by zip code. A list of PA Preferred® milk and egg producers can be found at www.facebook.com/PaPreferred.

* Recipe Requirements: Recipes must be submitted, with each entry, printed on one side of 8-1/2” x 11” paper. Recipe must list all ingredients, quantities, and the preparation instructions. Entrants name, age (if age is 18 or less), address, and phone number must be printed on the back side of all pages. PA PreferredTM product labels must be attached to the recipe of entries in class 4.

BEST OF SHOW ... Rosette

(Best individual entry of Section 101 and 201)
All entries in Section 101 and 201 will be considered for Best of Show


1. Canned foods to be judged on quality, general appearance and container.
2. Use standard mason-type, clear quart/pint glass jars for preserving/exhibiting fruits, vegetables and meats.
3. Use two-piece self-sealing lids (flat discs and metal screw bands) for sealing all jars of food.
4. Metal screw bands may be loosely applied while transport- ing jars to and from fairs to prevent damage; however screw bands MUST BE REMOVED from jars before exhibiting entries except in class 501 thru 802.
5. All food not in standard jars or not sealed with self-sealing lids will be disqualified by the judge.
6. Paraffin seals are not permitted.

Class - Premiums - $5.00, 4.00, 3.00
Class Exception: 120, 121, 222, 223 - Premiums $6.00, 5.00, 4.00

CANNED FRUITS - 1 quart jar

101. Apples
102. Applesauce
103. Apricots
104. Blackberries
105. Blueberries
or Huckleberries
106. Cherries - dark with pits
107. Cherries - red, sour, pitted
108. Cherries - red, with pits
109. Cherries - white, with pits
110. Cherries - white, pitted
111. Elderberries
112. Grape
113. Peaches
114. Pears
115. Plums
116. Raspberries, black
117. Raspberries, red
118. Rhubarb
119. Other varieties
120. Group of 3 canned fruits (Qt. or Pt. jars)
(Screw bands must be removed)
121. Decorative/creative display of 3 canned fruits. (Qt. or Pt. jars)
(screw bands may remain on)


201. Asparagus
202. Beans, green
203. Beans, lima
204. Beans, Yellow
205. Beet Tops
206. Beets
207. Carrots
208. Cauliflower
209. Corn
210. Dandelion
211. Endive
212. Mixed Vegetables
213. Peas
214. Pumpkin
215. Sauerkraut
216. Spinach
217. Succotash
218. Swiss Chard
219. Tomatoes
220. Vegetable Soup
221. Other variety
222. Group of 3 canned veggies (Qt. or Pt. Jars)
(screw bands must be removed)
223. Decorative/creative display of 3 canned veggies. (Qt. or Pt. jars)
(screw bands may remain on)

PICKLES & RELISHES - to be judged on size, uniformity, clearness, color, and arrangement .

301. Beans
302. Beets, Whole
303. Beets, Sliced
304. Cauliflower
305. Chow-chow
306. Cranberry
307. Cucumber, Bread & Butter
308. Cucumber, Dill
309. Cucumber, Sour
310. Cucumber, Sweet
311. Onions
312. Peppers
313. Piccalili
314. Relish, Corn
315. Relish, Pepper
316. Relish, Miscellaneous
317. Salsa
318. Sauce, Catsup
319. Sauce, Chili
320. Sauce, Spaghetti
321. Miscellaneous


401. Apples
402. Cantaloupes
403. Cherries
404. Crab apples
405. Peaches
406. Pears
407. Quince
408. Watermelon


501. Dried Apples (Any Variety)
502. Dried Beans (Any Variety)
503. Dried Corn (Any Variety)
504. Any other not listed above

JUICES - to be judged on color and clarity

601. Apple
602. Grape
603. Tomato
604. Other


701. Blackberry
702. Cider
703. Raspberry
704. Other


801. Fruit
802. Other


One standard jelly glass with removable lid. Judged on appearance, flavor, consistency, and neatness of package. Scew band MUST remain on jars in this category. Any entries having been opened at other fairs will be disqualified.

Butters - made by cooking fruit pulp and sugar. thick, smooth texture, somewhat like the dairy product, butter
Jams - made from crushed or ground whole fruit rather than strained fruit juice. Jam is usually softer than jelly.
Jellies - made from fruit juice without any pieces of fruit, clear,shim- mering, quite rm, yet quivery.
Marmalades - a jelly with pieces of fruit suspended in it. Citrus fruits are frequently used for marmalades. Preserves - thick syrup containing whole fruits or large fruit pieces.
Conserves - a jam made of a mixture of fruits, and it often contains nuts and raisins. At least one citrus fruit is usually used in the conserve fruit mix.

Class - Premiums - $5.00, 5.00, 3.00
Class Exceptions: 315, 416 - $6.00, 5.00, 4.00


101. Apple
102. Apricot
103. Cherry
104. Grape
105. Orange
106. Peach
107. Pear
108. Plum
109. Quince
110. Tomato
111. Any other


201. Apple
202. Pear
203. Pineapple 205. Any Other
204. Quince


301. Apricot
302. Blackberry
303. Blueberry
304. Cherry
305. Currant
306. Elderberry
307. Grape
308. Peach
309. Plum
310. Raspberry, Black
311. Raspberry, red
312. Rhubarb
313. Strawberry
314. Any other
315. Display of 3 varieties


401. Apple
402. Blackberry
403. Cherry
404. Crab apple
405. Currant
406. Elderberry
407. Gooseberry
408. Grape
409. Huckleberry
410. Peach
411. Plum
412. Quince
413. Raspberry, black
414. Raspberry, red
415. Any other
416. Display of 3 varieties


501. Apricot
502. Grape
503. Grapefruit
504. Orange
505. Peach
506. Pear
507. Pineapple
508. Plum
509. Tomato, yellow
510. Any other


601. Apricot
602. Blueberry
603. Cherry
604. Peach
605. Pear
606. Pineapple
607. Plum
608. Quince
609. Strawberry
610. Tomato
611. Any other

BEST OF SHOW ... Rosette

(Best individual entry of Section 401 & 501)


Kristen Schappell | 610-334-0876

(Open Class)

Pre-registration is recommended using the General Entry form on the website.



1. The management will not undertake to return exhibits or be responsible for the return of exhibits. Baskets or containers must be supplied by exhibitor and will be given every possible care, but the management assumes no responsibility for their safety.
2. All entries must be grown by exhibitor.
3. One entry per variety.

Class | Premiums - $5.00, 4.00, 3.00


1. African Violets, Single-any color
2. African Violets, Double-any color

3. Wax Begonias, Single, any color
4. Wax Begonias, Double, any color
5. Dragon Wing Begonias
6. Begonias, Tuberous-rooted in bloom, Single
7. Begonias, Tuberous-rooted in bloom, Double


1. Begonias
2. Cacti, Christmas
3. Cacti, Prickly
4. Citrus
5. Coleus
6. Episcia
7. Ferns
8. Geranium
9. Impatiens-single – any color

10. Impatiens – double-any color
11. Orchid
12. Philodendron
13. Pothos
14. Potted Ivy
15. Succulent Plants, Single
16. Succulent Plants, Garden – 3 or more
17. Any other plant
18. Dish Garden or foliage specimen, consisting of 3 or more specimens in a container.
19. Terrariums
20. Fairy Garden – Must contain 3 plants or more, and any type of fairies, knomes and/or mini structures. Maximum measurements are as follows: 14″ high x 12″ width x 12″ depth.


1. Exhibits in this division must be cut flowers grown by the exhibitor and must conform to the number of blooms, spikes or stems specified in each class.
2. The uniformity of height, color or size is an important factor in evaluating entries.
3. Flowers in each entry must be of one color and variety unless otherwise stated.

Ageratum – 5 stems

1. Blue
2. Red
3. White

4. Aster – 5 blms
5. Calendula – 5 blms
Celosia – 5 blms

6. Crested
7. Plumosia

8. Cosmos – 5 blms
Dahlias – 1 blm

9. Cactus
10. Decorative
11. Giant – 4”D

12. Gaillardia – 5 blms
13. Gladiolus – 3 spikes
Marigolds, Tall – 5 blms

14. Orange
15. Yellow
16. White

Marigolds, Dwarf – 5 blms

17. Orange
18. Yellow
19. Bi-color

20. Pansies – 5 blms
Petunias – 5 blms

21. Single
22. Double

Salvia – 5 blms

23. Red
24. Blue
25. Other color


26. Scabiosa – 5 blms

27. Snapdragons – 5 blms
28. Strawflowers – 5 blms
Sunflower – 1 blm

29. Yellow
30. Dark

Zinnias – 3 blms

31. Pompom
32. Medium
33. Giant
34. Cactus

35. Annual, Any Other – 3 blms

36-38 Miniature arrangement- not to exceed 6” ht.

36. Mini Wild Flowers
37. Mini Domestic
38. Mini Dried materials

39-41 Basket or container arrangements not to exceed 15” x 15”

39. Wild Flowers
40. Domestic – annuals and/or perennials
41. Dried materials


1. Black Eyed Susans - 5 blms
2. Chrysanthemum, Single - 5 stems
3. Chrysanthemum, Spider - 5 stems
4. Chrysanthemum, Pompom - 5 stem
5. Cone Flowers
6. Coreopsis - 5 blms
7. Delphinium - 1 spike
8. Dianthus (Hardy Pink) - 5 blms
9. Hydreangea
10. Rose, Pink-1 blm
11. Rose, Red-1 blm
12. Rose, White-1 blm
13. Rose, Yellow-1 blm
14. Rose, Other- 1 blm
15. Any other, 1 blm


Class | Premiums - $6.00, 5.00, 4.00

1. Must have at least 2 different varieties of flowering or non-flowering plants.
2. Individual outdoor potted plant


Class | Premiums - $7.00, 6.00, 5.00

Not to exceed 22 inches diameter
1. Fresh foliage and flowers
2.Dried foliage and flowers

BEST OF SHOW ... Rosette

(Best individual entry of Sections 101 - 601)


Earl Leiby | 610 393 5695

Pre-registration is recommended using the General Entry form on the website.

1. Areas 10’ X 20’ for the number of entries submitted will be designated at various locations on the grounds.
2. Each exhibitor will draw by lot for the actual location to develop the display.
3. Judging will be based on Attractiveness, Design, Originality, and Workmanship.

Class | Premiums - $350, 325, 300, 275, 250

1. Landscape Display


Kennedi Cavalier

Pre-registration is recommended using the General Entry form on the website.

1. No article can compete as more than one entry, an article can be judged only once. Articles not suitable for a listed class description will be rejected.
2. All article must be laundered, ironed and finished. PLEASE BRING CLOTHES ON HANGER.
3. Each exhibit to be judged on workmanship, worth of article, appropriateness of material and design.
4. Any young person (up to 17 years old) can have the letter “Y” added to their registration ticket. The judges will be encouraged to consider this in their evaluations.
5. All articles must have been made by the exhibitor since the close of last year’s Fair.

Class - Premiums - $5.00, 4.00, 3.00




101. Apron - coverall/activity
102. Coat
103. Dress (size 1-6)
104. Dress (size 7-14)
105. Infant Garment (0-24 Mo)
106. Pajamas-Nightgown
107. Shirt or Blouse
108. Costumes
109. Vests
110. Skirt
111. Pants/Shorts
112. Jumper
113. Denim Garment
114. Misc. Garment


201. Coat - Jacket
202. Dress
203. Aprons
204. Bridal/formal gown
205. Sleepwear
206. Shirt or Blouse
207. Suit, Tailored-lined
208. Suit, Not Tailored-unlined
209. Vest
210. Pants/Shorts
211. Skirt
212. Jumper
213. Costumes
214. Denim Garment
215. Miscellaneous


1. Crocheted
2. Embroidered
3. Knitted
4. Miscellaneous


301. Knit/Crochet
302. Sewn
303. Miscellaneous



1. Crocheted
2. Embroidered
3. Knitted
4. Miscellaneous


101. Crochet, edge
102. Crochet, solid
103. Embroidered
104. Knitted
105. Patchwork/Quilted
106. Appliquéd/Quilted
107. Loom Woven
108. Miscellaneous


151. Crochet, edge
152. Crochet, solid
153. Embroidered
154. Knitted
155. Patchwork/Quilted
156. Appliquéd/Quilted
157. Loom Woven
158. Miscellaneous


201. Candlewicking
202. Counted Cross Stitch
203. Crewel Work
204. Crochet/Knitted
205. Embroidered
206. Latch hook
207. Needlepoint
208. Patchwork/Quilted
209. Appliquéd/Quilted
210. Combination
211. Quilted
212. Pieced
213. Miscellaneous


251. Crocheted edge
252. Embroidered, Crewel work
253. Embroidered,Cross stitch
254. Embroidered,Outline
255. Embroidered, Solid
256. Combination
257. Appliquéd
258. Miscellaneous


301. Napkins
302. Placemats
303. Pot holders
304. Coasters
305. Dishtowels
306. Tablecloths
307. Microwavable Koozie
308. Dish Cloth


351. Crochet edge
352. Crochet, solid
353. Embroidered, Counted cross stitch
354. Embroidered, Crewel work
355. Embroidered, Outline
356. Embroidered, Solid
357. Combination
358. Patchwork/Quilted
359. Appliquéd/Quilted
360.Loom woven
361. Miscellaneous


401. Sewn
402. Knitted, crocheted, etc


451. Knit/Crochet
452. Sewn
453. Misc.

WEARING APPAREL, ADULT - Knitted or Crocheted

501. Caps and hats
502. Coats
503. Dress
504. Mittens and Gloves
505. Stoles, shawls, ponchos
506. Socks and slippers
507. Sweater, Cardigan or pullover
508. Vests
509. Scarves
510. Misc.

WEARING APPAREL, CHILDREN - Knitted or Crocheted

531. Caps and hats
532. Coats
533. Dress
534. Mittens and Gloves
535. Stoles, shawls, ponchos
536. Socks and slippers
537. Sweater, Cardigan, or pullover
538. Vests
539. Scarves
540. Sweater, cap, and booties set (all three)
541. Miscellaneous

WEARING APPAREL - sweatshirts or T-shirts

560. Decorated hand or machine sewn
561. Counted cross stitch


580. Children’s articles
581. Adult articles
582. Household articles
583. Flags-banners


Note: In all quilt classes there is a sub class for machine quilted items.
Designation shall be as listed for machine quilted.

Class 101-106 - Premiums - $10.00, 8.00, 6.00
Class 201-206 - Premiums - $8.00, 6.00, 4.00


Quilted item Hand# Machine#
Appliquéd 101 201
Embroidered, original design 102 202
Pieced/patchwork 103 203
Wholecloth (all quilted) 104 204
Combination 105 205
Antique 106 206

(Antique item must be 50 years or older and not entered in previous years)

QUILTS - LAP SIZE (one side to measure approximately 45” to 60”, smaller than twin size)

Quilted item Hand# Machine#
Appliquéd 110 210
Embroidered, original design 112 212
Pieced/patchwork 113 213
Wholecloth (all quilted) 114 214
Combination 115 215
Antique 116 216

(Antique item must be 50 years or older and not entered in previous years)

Class 120-187 - Premiums - $10.00, 8.00, 6.00
Class 220-287 - Premiums - $8.00, 6.00, 4.00


Quilted item Hand# Machine#
Appliquéd 120 220
Embroidered, original design 121 221
Pieced/patchwork 122 222
Wholecloth (all quilted) 123 223
Combination 124 224

QUILTS - WALL HANGINGS - one side measuring 60” or less, but more than 24”. No baby quilts accepted in this class.

Quilted item Hand# Machine#
Appliquéd 140 240
Pieced/patchwork 141 241
Wholecloth (all quilted) 142 242
Combination 143 243

LITTLE QUILTS/MINIATURES - one side measuring 24” or less.

Quilted item Hand# Machine#
Appliquéd 160 260
Pieced/patchwork 161 261
Wholecloth (all quilted) 162 262
Combination 163 263
All Embroidered 164 264


Quilted item Hand# Machine#
Patchwork/Quilted vest 180 280
Patchwork/Quilted jacket 181 281
Patchwork/Quilted skirt 182 282
Patchwork/Quilted set 183 283

(2 or more pieces)

Quilted item Hand# Machine#
Appliquéd/Quilted vest 184 284
Appliquéd/Quilted jacket 185 285
Appliquéd/Quilted skirt 186 286
Appliquéd/Quilted set 187 287

(2 or more pieces)

Should the article of clothing contain both types of work, the exhibitor will choose the single category in which it will be judged.

Class - Premiums - $10.00, 8.00, 6.00


301. Crocheted
302. Knitted
303. Miscellaneous

Class - Premiums - $8.00, 6.00, 4.00


401. Crocheted
402. Knitted
403. Miscellaneous


1. Braided
2. Crocheted
3. Hooked
4. Knitted
5. Quilted
6. Loon Woven
7. Stenciled
8. Latch Hook




Liz Teeters

Pre-registration is recommended using the General Entry form on the website.

Every care will be taken to protect the articles exhibited from all injury, however, the fair will not in any way hold itself responsible for accidents, loss or damage by water, fire, theft or otherwise.

  • All articles must have been made by the exhibitor in the past year.
  • Only one entry per exhibitor per class is allowed.
  • No article can compete in more than one class.
  • All photographs in the (21-32) must be 8”x10” prints only. No matting, mounting, nor framing.  No matting, mounting, nor framing. (Entries will be inserted in plastic sleeves for display and judging.)
    Class | Premiums - $8.00, 6.00, 4.00



1. Oil/acrylic, Scenery
2. Oil/acrylic, People
3. Oil/acrylic, Animals
4. Oil/acrylic, Misc.
5. Watercolor, Scenery
6. Watercolor, People
7. Watercolor, Animals
8. Watercolor, Misc.
9. Pencil drawing, Scenery
10. Pencil drawing, People
11. Pencil drawing, Animals
12. Pencil drawing, Misc.
13. Crayon/colored Pencil
14. Pen and Ink drawing
15. Charcoal
16. Pastel
17. Prints, silk screen, etc.
18. Mixed media
19. Digital Drawings
20. Painted Wine Glasses
21. Photos, B/W, Scenery
22. Photos, B/W, People
23. Photos, B/W, Animals / Insects
24. Photos, B/W, Flowers
25. Photos, B/W, Misc.
26. Photos, Color, Scenery
27. Photos, Color, People
28. Photos, Color, Animals / Insects
29. Photos, Color, Flowers
30. Photos, Color, Misc.
31. Photos, Non-traditional / digitally enhanced / altered
32. Let Freedom Fly: share your photos of American flags (can be in addition to the max of 5 photos)


35. Blown Glass
36. Origami/paper folding
37. Scrapbook, one page
38. Jewelry, bead work
39. Jewelry, fine metals
40. Jewelry, misc.
41. Creative Flowers
42. Nature art - created entirely of items found in nature
43. Wreaths, any type
44. Basketry
45. Wax crafts
46. Leather work
47. Metal crafts
48. Ceramics, Hand built
49. Ceramics, Wheel thrown
50. Sculpture (non-ceramic)
51. Creative Dolls/stuffed animals
52. Diamond Art, custom
53. Diamond Art, kit
54. Macrame
55. Stitchery - crewel work
56. Cross stitch
57. Plastic canvas
58. Latch hook hangings
59. Misc. Textile
60. Button art - 2D or 3D items made from buttons
61. Wood carving, whittling
62. Wood furniture
63. Wood fixtures/decor
64. Misc. wood item
65. Creative Christmas
66. Creative Easter
67. Creative Halloween
68. Misc. handcrafts (not wood)



Note: All items entered in Dept. 19 are automatically also considered for Best of Show.

Class | Premiums - Rosette Ribbon

110.Painting / Drawing
112. Handcrafts





All entries MUST be pre-registered by June 30 and mailed to Kutztown Fair Entries, PO Box 6, Kutztown PA 19530.
The grange exhibits will be displayed in Beltzner Hall for the 2024 fair.

Exhibit Setup times: Saturday, August 2, 2025 @ 11:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. or Sunday, August 3, 2025 @ noon to 5:00 p.m. Exhibit Tear down times: Sunday, August 10, 2025 @ 10:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. or (Dick Dry will have the building open) Monday, August 11, 2025 @ 9:00 a.m. to noon. (Please note: Due to safety of the paid fair attenders no vehicles are allowed on the midway during fair operation)

Please bring a ladder to setup your displays as no one is to walk on the display plywood on top of the saw horses. Please use a ladder to hang or reach the back of your displays.

This year’s Fair display theme is at the discretion of the individual Grange.
Displays shall be 4’ x 8’ x 4’deep. The following scoring system is to be used in judging the Grange exhibits:

Attracts Attention .............................................. 25 points
The overall appeal through the use of color, motion, lights and figures.

Educates .......................................................... 20 points
The ability to educate the public on a chosen theme.

Conveys a Message ........................................ 25 points
The message being exhibited must tie in with the theme and be understandable to the intended viewer.

Design .............................................................. 10 points
Elements of the exhibit should be pleasingly placed to give a sense of unity to the whole display.

Workmanship ................................................... 20 points
Neat!! Well constructed for the purpose.

Premiums - $170, 160, 150, 140, 130, 120, 110, 105, 100, 100



Displays shall be 4’ x 6’. Junior Grange exhibits will be judged on the following basis:

Display Background ................................................50 points
Workmanship and originality (25 points each)

Table Display. ...........................................................75 points
Workmanship, originality, and how well the display relates to the “theme”. (25 points each)

Overall Appeal ........................................................ 25 points
Attracts attention

Total ...................................................................... 150 points

Premiums - $80, 70, 60, 50, 50, 50, 50, 50, 50

DEPARTMENT 21:Homemade Wine & Beer



Ginger Schappell| 610-223-4887


Pre-registration is recommended using the General Entry form on the website.

1. Wine may be registered and entered for competition by completing entry form found in back of Fair Catalog.
2. Wine entered for competition in this Department must be amateur wine, home produced under regulations of Part 540 of the Code of Federal Regulations.
3. Only one entry (one bottle) per category per year of the fruit being grown. One entry per category from fruit grown in same state.
4. All wines will be evaluated by professional judges. A rating sheet will be available to each exhibitor upon request, showing, in detail, how the wine was judged.
5. All wines should be labeled with the person’s name, the class the wine is entered, each variety or fruit type and the year of the fruit being grown along with percent should be on each bottle. Additionally, the percent residual sugar should also be listed.

Class -  Premiums - $8.00, 6.00, 4.00

WHITE TABLE WINES - Dry or Semi-Sweet less than 3% sugar

1. Old Eastern Grape Varieties Hybrid Grape Varieties
2. Seyval
3. Vidal
4. Any other
5. Vinifera Varieties
6. Blended
7. Other fruits

PINK & ROSE WINES - Dry or Semi-Sweet, less 3% sugar

20. Grape
21. Other varieties

SWEET WINES - 3% or more sugar

30. Grape, White
31. Grape, Red
32. Grape, Rose
33. Other Fruits
34. Blossom or Honey


40. White
41. Red
42. Pink


45. Sweet Red
46. Semisweet Red
47. Dry Red

Standard wine bottle, label capsule, etc

50. Label
51. Boxed

BEST OF SHOW ... Rosette





Chair - Ginger Schappell

Pre-registration is recommended using the General Entry form on the website.

  1. Beer entered for competition in this Department must be amateur beer, home produced under regulation of Part 540 of the Code of Federal Regulations
  2. All beer must be produced and bottled by the exhibitor.
  3. All beer must be shown in a 7-32 oz. size glass bottle with a crown cap.
  4. Judging will be based on aroma, appearance, flavor, body, drinkability and overall impressions.
  5. Only one entry per class, per exhibitor.


  1. Judging will be private and completed prior to the opening of the Fair. All beer will be properly stored cold and chilled prior to judging.
  2. Tasting format: All beers will be judged based on the Brewers Association 2024 Beer Style
    Guidelines: https://cdn.brewersassociation.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/02/25084047/2022_BA_Beer_Style_Guidelines_Final.pdf
  3. Used with permission of the Brewers Association. The top four brews per category will be awarded first, second, third and fourth.
  4. Following competition, brews will be displayed at the Kutztown Fair. A Best of Show Award will be presented.
  5. Placing will be offered on merit of excellence, not entry alone. Therefore, in any one class all placings may not be awarded if, in the judge’s opinion, entries do not merit placement. This may also result in the omission of some placements such as first or second for awarding of only a third. Decision of judges is final.
Class - Premiums - $8.00, 6.00, 4.00

1. Light Lager and Ales (pilsner, helles, American lagers, kolschs, and cream ales etc.)
2. Amber Lager (oktoberfest, vienna, etc.)
3. Dark Lager (dunkel, schwarzbier, etc.)
4. Wheat Beer (hefeweizen, dunkelweiss, American wheat etc.)
5. IPA (7.5% abv)
6. IPA (>7.5% abv)
7. Specialty IPA (any thing that doesn’t fall into the above categories, including Red IPA, Rye IPA, Black IPA, etc.)
8. Stout (American/English styles)
9. Porter (American/English styles)
10. Belgian Style Beer (Saison, Witbier, Abbey Styles)
11. Sour Beer
12. Specialty Beer – fruit, aged, anything other not listed above



SECTION 1: PSACF Special Contest

American 250 PA Apron Contest
Celebrating 250 Years of America

Department Chair - Ginger Schappell


Pre-registration is recommended using the General Entry form on the website.

General Rules:

  1. Exhibitor must be a resident of Pennsylvania
  2. One entry per person
  3. Apron must have been made in 2025.
  4. First Place winner of Kutztown Fair will be eligible to enter their apron in the 2026 PA State Farm Show contest.


Apron Details:

  • Colors:   combinations of Red, White and Blue only.  Any other colors and the apron will be disqualified.
  • Type:
      • Half Apron
      • Bib Apron
      • Printed Apron


Entries will be judged on workmanship, worth of article, appropriateness of material and design, based on the following point system:

  • Overall appearance.                   25 points
  • Creativity                                     25 points
  • Workmanship/Suitability.       30 points
  • Design/Color                               20 points


(First place winner at the Kutztown Fair is eligible for the 2026 Farm Show competition where prizes are $250, $150, and $100, Rosette, Rosette)



Thursday, 8:30 P.M. - Livestock Judging Ring

1. Contestants must sign a waiver of liability to be eligible to participate.
2. Person must stand behind marked line.
3. When announcer says go, you may use a half turn and pivot on only one foot and then swing the bale past the knee. No complete spinning in a circle to gain momentum will be allowed.
4. The person with the farthest distance in each class

Class -  Premiums - $5.00, 4.00, 3.00, 2.00

1. Youth - Girls 10 - 13
2. Youth - Boys 10 - 13
3. Youth - Girls 14 - 17
4. Youth - Boys 14 - 17
5. Women 18 - 40
6. Men 18 - 40
7. Women Over 40
8. Men Over 40


Thursday, 7:00 P.M. Livestock Judging Ring

1. The tractor and sled will be provided.
2. Contestants not allowed to stand on tractor.
3. When forward motion stops, the pull distance will be measured from that spot.
4. Contestants cannot use their hand or body to help push rear tire.
5. Boys and girls pull in the same class.
6. When the judge blows the whistle the measurement will be made from that spot.
7. The decision of the judge is nal.
8. In case of a tie the contestants will re pull.
9. Parents of entries must sign a waiver of liability for their child to enter the contest.
10. Sign-up begins 1 hour before the contest begins.

Class - Premiums - $5.00, 4.00, 3.00, 2.00

1. Ages 4 - 5
2. Ages 6 - 7
3. Ages 8 - 9
4. Ages 10 - 11


1. The contest will consist of 4 or more classes of various breeds and ages.
2. The contest will be scored on placings only. Ties will be broken by score(s) on a designated class or by giving reasons.

Class - Premiums - $12, 11, 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3

1. Junior Division FFA
2. Junior Division 4-H
3. Senior Division FFA
4. Senior Division 4-H
5. Open Class
6-7. Chapter/Club Teams - Ribbons


1. The contest will consist of 4 or more classes of various species and ages.
2. The contest will be scored on placings only. Ties will be broken by score(s) on a designated class or by giving reasons.

Class - Premiums - $12, 11, 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3

1. Junior Division FFA
2. Junior Division 4-H
3. Senior Division FFA
4. Senior Division 4-H
5. Open Class
6-7. Chapter/Club Teams - Ribbons



(applies to each individual or farm)

Exhibitors will be judged as an individual or farm unit regardless of 4H, FFA or open status.  Exhibits are to remain in place until animals are released.
Inspections will be made a minimum of twice daily, unannounced.
Prizes will be awarded on a daily basis.  There will be five daily prizes and one prize for the overall week.

Only worthy exhibits will be considered and scored on the following basis:

Cleanliness of animals … 20
Cleanliness of bedding … 15
Entry cards and ribbons displayed … 20
Neatness of grain, feed and equipment … 15
Cleanliness of aisles … 20
Courtesy to fair visitors … 10

TOTAL …. 100

Daily premiums: $60, 50, 40, 30, 20, 10
Overall Week premium: $60, 50, 40, 30, 20, 10


Dear Livestock and Dairy Exhibitors,

In recent years, there has been concern for animal husbandry practices at the fair. We must take into consideration that what we show the public directly influences their view of agriculture. To continue to promote the exhibits to the best of our abilities, the Kutztown Fair Ag Committee has decided to enact a fee for animal(s) not cared for/cleaned up in a timely manner.

Approximately one hour prior to fair opening each day, an Ag representative will walk each barn isle and will mark with a red tape any animal(s) that have not been cared for that day. This excludes animals that may have recently made a mess of themselves (pooped laying down etc.) The exhibitor will then have one hour to make their animal(s) presentable or they will be fined $25 per animal.

If an exhibitor is not present while they receive a red tape, it is their responsibility to have someone notify them. The fair will not notify individuals receiving a red tape. Market animals must be washed and presentable Saturday morning or they will be excused from being sold at the sale. The regular good housekeeping walk through will still be done during the open fair hours Monday through Friday.

Thank you,

Kutztown Fair Ag Committee



This contest will be open to anyone exhibiting an animal in this year’s fair
(adults may exhibit in class 7 only)
(youth non- exhibitors use class 6).
Limit one category/exhibitor. Any animals used must be animals exhibited at the fair.
Entries will be judged for the most original and creative costumes in each of the following categories.

Class - Premiums - $10, 7, 5, 3

1. Beef cattle
2. Dairy animals
3. Goats
4. Sheep
5. Swine
6. Open youth (non exhibitors)
7. Open adult exhibitor
8. Winners Parade – Rosette



SECTION 725:  The 2025 Kutztown Fair
“ Theme for 2025 announced soon” Coloring Contest

Department Chair - Kristen Schappell


Download and print the drawing at the top of the Premium Book page.


  • Only crayons or colored lead pencils maybe used.
  • Colored markers will be disqualified.
  • No gluing on of extra materials or embellishment will be allowed.
  • Entries will be judged for neatness, use of color, and eye appeal.
  • Each exhibitor may submit only one entry.

Age Groups:
1. 0 – 6 years
2.  7 – 8 years
3.  9 - 12 years
4. 65 years and older


Prizes for each age group:
1st place– Art Kit/fair ticket with wristband
2nd place – fair ticket with wristband
3rd place – fair ticket with wristband

  • Prizes - pick up at the Fair Office beginning Tuesday of the fair. 


Two ways to Enter!

Drop off: at Beltzner Hall on the Building Exhibit drop off dates – Saturday, August 2nd - 11am-1pm or Sunday, August 3rd - 12pm-5pm.

Mail:  Kutztown Entries – Color Contest, P.O. Box 6, Kutztown, PA 19530.  * All mailed entries must be received by July 27th.


Pick Up: All pictures must be picked up by Sunday, August 10th by 1pm, or they will be discarded.
If you are unable to pick up your entry, please leave a self-addressed stamped envelope.



Department Chair - Kristen Schappell

Make a mini world in a mason jar!

Pre-registration is recommended using the General Entry form on the website.

1.All entries will be judged on creativity and originality.
2. Each contestant is limited to one entry per class.
3. Any size mason jar is allowed.
4. Mason jar must have a lid.
5. Judging will be done in 2 age groups in each of the classes.

Age groups:
Age 14 and under - Classes 101-104.
Age 15 and older - Classes 201-204.

Class - Premiums - $8.00, 6.00, 4.00

101/201 - Nature theme
102/202 - Under the Sea theme
103/203 - Space theme
104/204 - Miscellaneous theme

1.All items are to be entered by bringing them to Beltzner Hall on the Saturday before the fair between 11 a.m. and 1 p.m or the Sunday before the fair between 12 Noon and 5 p.m. All items are to be picked up between 10 a.m. and 1 p.m. on the Sunday after the fair.
2. All entries will be judged on creativity and usefulness of new creation.
3. Each contestant is limited to one entry per class.




Saturday, August 9th, 2025 … Novice bracket begins at 3:30 pm
Competitive bracket will follow Novice (approx 5:30 pm)
Chair - Ken Sanner

To register contact Ken Sanner (610) 334-4275 or sannerfarm@aol.com
Make checks payable to Kutztown Fair Association and send to:
Ken Sanner, 14 Pink Valley Road, Kutztown PA 19530

  1. Entry fee: $12 per player or $24 per team
  2. Open to the first 16 teams in each bracket that are registered and paid (no specific deadline)
  3. Single elimination bracket style
  4. Random drawing to select 1st round games
  5. Cancellation scoring will be used
  6. All decisions by Fair Board Members will be final
  7. Rules guided by American Corn Hole Association Rule Book


Novice Bracket

$75 1st place team
$50 2nd place team

Competitive Bracket

$150 1st place team
$100 2nd place team



Chair  - Ginger Schappell | 610 223 4887

Pre-registration is recommended using the General Entry form on the website.

Class - Premiums - $6.00, 5.00, 4.00

1. Light Comb, 1 section
2. Amber Comb, 1 section
3. Dark Comb, 1 section
4. Light Extracted Honey, 1 pound jar
5. Amber Extracted Honey, 1 pound jar
6. Dark Extracted Honey, 1 pound jar
7. Beeswax, 1 pound block


Chair - Earl Leiby - 610-683-3238


Exhibits must be authentic to be eligible for competition. No reproductions allowed. There will be a limit of two premiums awarded per class per exhibitor. Location of display area for antique tractors to be determined by commercial exhibits coordinator (contact fair office).

All judging will take place on Monday of the Fair week.

Judging criteria:

1. Authenticity
2. Originality
3. Appearance
4. Arouses Attention

Class - Premiums - $25, 20, 15

1. Tractors, Pre 1940
2. Tractors, 1940-1950
3. Tractors, 1951-1955
4. Tractors, 1956 & newer
5. Equipment, Field
6. Equipment, Other
7. Garden Tractors
8. Hit & Miss Engines


Rules for Kutztown Fair

Livestock Show & Sale of Market Animals

Sale Chairperson – Steve Younker

1. All Exhibitors participating in the Kutztown Fair Livestock Show and Sale must be members in good standing according to their club or chapter current rules. All club or chapter rules apply to the Kutztown Fair Livestock Show & Sale. Lehigh County 4-H is eligible for the Kutztown Fair Livestock Show & Sale if Lehigh County does not have a sale of their own.

2.Lehigh County market livestock exhibitors, and any other Berks County market livestock exhibitors who choose not to sell their animals are eligible to show and be champion, however, they are not eligible to be sale champion. You must declare if you are selling or not at animal weigh-in.

3. All Kutztown Fair Show & Sale beef, dairy beef, swine, sheep, and goats must be individually entered in the Kutztown Fair by the deadline on the official entry form.

4. All Kutztown Fair Show & Sale beef, dairy beef, swine, sheep, and goats must have a legible numbered ear tag or tattoo in their ear that matches the club leader’s list of animals tagged by the respective club deadline.

5. For the Kutztown Fair Show & Sale Show:
Exhibitors may show and sell only one beef.
Exhibitors may show and sell up to 2 swine.
Exhibitors may show and sell up to 2 sheep.
Exhibitors may show and sell up to 2 dairy beef.
Exhibitors may show and sell up to 2 goats.
Kutztown Fair Department rules apply regarding allowable additional animals depending on the species.

6. All beef, dairy beef, sheep, and goats must arrive on the fairgrounds by 12 p.m. on Sunday, August 4 of the current year. The exhibitor is responsible for the care of the animals during their stay at the Kutztown Fair.

7. Animal weigh-in, 9:00am - 11:30am as weigh masters are ready, on Sunday August 4.
Weight limits for Kutztown Fair Show & Sale animals:

Dairy Beef must weigh at least 500 pounds;
Beef must weigh at least 1,000 pounds;
Sheep must weigh at least 80 pounds;
Goats must weigh between  55 to 120 pounds;
Swine must weigh between 220 to 295 pounds.

Animals not meeting weight requirements will NOT be considered eligible for Kutztown Fair Livestock Show & Sale and may NOT be sold, however, these animals may be exhibited in showmanship classes. EXCEPTION: Swine not meeting weight requirements are not eligible to show and will be dismissed immediately.

8. All beef, dairy beef, swine, sheep, and goats must be shown and presented at the Kutztown Fair Livestock Show & Sale sale by their owners except if the member is ill, away at school, or absent for other approved reasons. Each absence must be approved in advance by the Livestock Superintendent. The animal may then be shown or presented for sale by another 4-H member in the same age division in the respective club as an alternate. An alternate Showman is not eligible for awards.

9. Set-up for the sale arena will begin Saturday morning at 7:00A.M. Kutztown Fair Livestock Show & Sale participants are expected to assist in the set-up.

10. The sale will begin at 10:00 A.M. on Saturday, August 10 in the Show Arena. The sale order will be as follows– Sale of Champions, followed by remaining swine, dairy beef, beef, goats, sheep.

11. Please wear neat clothing. Please do not wear: T-shirts with inappropriate wording, sneakers, and jeans with holes. Girls are not allowed to wear halter tops or low-cut tops. If you can’t wear it at school, don’t wear it to the Kutztown Fair Livestock Show & Sale.

12. Current Pennsylvania Health Rules and Regulations for beef, dairy beef, swine, sheep, and goats apply. See Health Regulations listed in Kutztown Fair Premium List.

13. A flat commission of $11 per animal will be assessed.

14. Buyers assume ownership of the animals at the time of the sale on Saturday, August 10. Only animals sold in the sale may leave at the time of the sale – all sale animals sold must be out by 4pm Saturday, August 10 or they must wait until the designated livestock release time listed in the Premium book. Kutztown Fair Show & Sale participants are responsible to load animals and make sure the area is neat and tidy after animals are released.

15. Packer Price Policy –All animals will be assigned a Packer Price by the Kutztown Fair Sale Chairperson. Any animals not going to the official Packer buyer must be paid in full by the final Bidders / Buyers. If you plan to take your animal home for breeding or private butchering, be sure the Buyer indicates they are “Taking the Animal” and therefore will be paying the full purchase price. Use the same color bidding card for all buyers not just the one who is actually taking the animal home. This will assure correct recording and re-penning after the sale. This is a terminal sale for all swine. All swine must go to the Packer/Buyer or the slaughter facility designated by the Fair Board.

16. It is not acceptable to make a deal to buy back your animal from the Packer. This is a large sale and all of the transactions require the appropriate documentation. ANY family not following the above Kutztown Fair Show & Sale policies will be banned from future Kutztown Fair Show & Sale sales.

17. Family Packer Option is no longer available. If you wish to take your animal home, you must be the winning bidder and pay full purchase price.

18. There may be multiple buyers per animal with all being verbally recognized. The multiple sponsors are the responsibility of the seller and only ONE CHECK shall be presented to the auctioneer.
19. Payment is expected at the conclusion of the sale.  All checks shall be payable to Kutztown Fair Association.